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Topic: Should I buy a plane ticket before I apply for the visa?  (Read 2330 times)

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Should I buy a plane ticket before I apply for the visa?
« on: June 22, 2006, 11:23:40 PM »
I'm debating on buying my plane ticket before I apply for my settlement visa (as a spouse). At first I was going to wait until I got the visa before booking a flight but with it being summer now the prices are only going to go up. If I'm aiming to apply for the visa round July 10th, would it be sensible to book a flight for around August 8th or so? I'm just afraid that I won't get the visa and then I'll be screwed after paying for (and not being able to use) a one-way ticket
Juls xx

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Re: Should I buy a plane ticket before I apply for the visa?
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2006, 12:05:43 AM »
After some looking, I've found that it's actually cheaper to buy a round-trip ticket! :o Go figure.

Hubby and I are going to do that and schedule the return for three or four months from my arrival date (on the off chance that I'm missing my family so terribly bad that I have to drop everything and fly back to see them).

I was wondering the same thing myself, though - purchase the ticket now, or wait until the Visa is approved? We've decided to wait and have simply put a tentative travel date on my application.  :)

Good luck!

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Re: Should I buy a plane ticket before I apply for the visa?
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2006, 01:36:35 AM »
I found the same thing about the roundtrip (and I thought the same thing too about having the return 4 months after). Maybe someone can enlighten us as to if we should book them before or after we get the visa  ;)

So when are you looking at moving over if all things go as planned?
Juls xx

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Re: Should I buy a plane ticket before I apply for the visa?
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2006, 01:53:54 AM »
Hopefully, all going well and we don't run into yet another flipping snag, I'll be shipping my app. and documents tonight!! (Yay for 24 hour post offices!) :D

We've tentatively planned for the 18th of July... sort of. We needed a date for the app. so I randomly picked one. :D

I am SO looking forward to that positive email!!

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Re: Should I buy a plane ticket before I apply for the visa?
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2006, 01:59:44 AM »
Yay, sounds great! We're not applying until then...because I have to wait for my hubby to send me his documents and for my birth certificate to come in the mail (because I'm paranoid and I want to include it just in case!)
Juls xx

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Re: Should I buy a plane ticket before I apply for the visa?
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2006, 02:07:29 AM »
Don't feel bad - I've included mine too! ...In addition to a million other documents that probably aren't necessary. ::)

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Re: Should I buy a plane ticket before I apply for the visa?
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2006, 02:23:03 AM »
I also had the brainstorm to print out my call history on the online phonecard company I use, so another form for proof of our relationship...probably isn't necessary either  :P
Juls xx

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Re: Should I buy a plane ticket before I apply for the visa?
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2006, 02:35:07 AM »
I thought of doing the same, only the company I use isn't online. I've considered calling them and asking them for an itemized list if possible, but that would mean more waiting. :( So I've just made a note in my cover letter pointing out all of the charges on my bank statements to the telecommunications company (which normally range around $200 or more a month! :o ). Hopefully that and hubby's mobile bill will suffice.

Every one says to send too much than not enough. My theory is if they don't need / want it, then they won't look at it. ;D

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Re: Should I buy a plane ticket before I apply for the visa?
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2006, 03:52:28 AM »
I agree.

So we're suppose to write a letter of intent since we're not actually applying for it in person right? And also have a letter from the hubby that he supports the application and will financial provide for us etc etc
Juls xx

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Re: Should I buy a plane ticket before I apply for the visa?
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2006, 03:54:18 AM »
Oh and www.onesuite.com is a good online phonecard company...it's really cheap compared to paying for each call through a phone company  :)
Juls xx

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Re: Should I buy a plane ticket before I apply for the visa?
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2006, 04:01:30 AM »
Yep - hubby needs to write a letter of support. It should include a brief history of your relationship, how he supports your application, how he loves you and can't live without you, etc. etc.

I had written a 'Letter of Intent' but I changed to the title to 'Cover Letter'. We're married already, and I've only seen it referred to as a 'Letter of Intent' for Fiance Visa's. It's got the same sort of info as his Letter of Support.

As for onesuite... I tried them once or twice and when I sent them an email inquiring about why they charged me more then their advertised price, I got one of those automated emails saying they'd reply within 24 to 48 hours. That was over a month ago and I still haven't had a response. :-\\\\

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Re: Should I buy a plane ticket before I apply for the visa?
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2006, 04:33:40 AM »
I was always worried about booking the flight before I got the visa and now I am glad I DID NOT BOOK. I put on the intended date to fly as the 7th of June thinking ok 2 weeks considering it was a bank holiday so on and so forth, it's now 3and a half weeks and I have rung the $2.10 a min help and advice line 3 times only to be told that a message will be emailed to the consulate to ring me and advise me on my case well that worked out well the 1st phone call. The consulate rang promtly at 9.am to tell me my case was in process and I would know Something in 3 to 4 days. when this past monday rolled around I rang again and when they asked if I had an intended date of flight on my application I said yeah 2 weeks ago. they said they would put a message thru to the consulate  I should hear from them in the next day or two still nothing. No emails no phone calls nothing but be patient these things take time. I state that on the phone they say 5 days to process mail in applications  then told the first time I rang it can be up to 10 days now on tuesday I was told up to three weeks when I promtly said we are over 3 working weeks the nice irshman said I will put a message thru good day best of luck??????? Sorry to rant on but basicly the point i am making is do not book your flight untill you have that visa attached in your passport and in your hand. Hopefully you will have better luck than me and recieve it back in the esitmated 5 to 10 working days but I am very happy to not have lost another gawd knows how much on lost flights.

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Re: Should I buy a plane ticket before I apply for the visa?
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2006, 04:55:56 AM »
Yep - hubby needs to write a letter of support. It should include a brief history of your relationship, how he supports your application, how he loves you and can't live without you, etc. etc.

I had written a 'Letter of Intent' but I changed to the title to 'Cover Letter'. We're married already, and I've only seen it referred to as a 'Letter of Intent' for Fiance Visa's. It's got the same sort of info as his Letter of Support.

Ah ok, that makes sense. That's basically what I was going to do but wanted to make sure it was right to do so.

As for onesuite... I tried them once or twice and when I sent them an email inquiring about why they charged me more then their advertised price, I got one of those automated emails saying they'd reply within 24 to 48 hours. That was over a month ago and I still haven't had a response. :-\\\\

That sucks about OneSuite...sometimes their connection is a bit weird  ::)
Juls xx

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Re: Should I buy a plane ticket before I apply for the visa?
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2006, 06:18:54 AM »
I think so long as you aren't asking for anything out of the ordinary & you're applying pretty far in advance, you're okay with booking the ticket.  I personally am waiting, because my situation is little outside the guidlines (I want to enter the UK over 3 weeks before my uni starts...the guidlines say approx 2) & there's a small risk I won't get the date I am requesting.  However, for spousal visas, you don't have that issue.  As long as your plans for travel aren't too soon, I think you're pretty safe.
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Re: Should I buy a plane ticket before I apply for the visa?
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2006, 07:57:08 AM »
I bought a r/t ticket just before I got the visa.  It was cheaper than a one way and I had to come home 2 1/2 months later for a wedding.  I wasnt really nervous because I knew everything was in order for the visa.

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