My builder has finished with these projects:
Rebuilding the kitchen cupboard (torn up when we put in the new boiler 2 years ago)

Constructing a real proper closet for the guest bedroom (also torn up for the same reason as above - when the immersion heater came out of there)

We have TWICE the number of built-in bookshelves in the living room now! Yaye! And not a moment too soon as my stuff from the US is due to arrive any day.

The front door & the kitchen door (goes out to the porch) no longer stick - they are hung properly now!

He still has to do a couple bits & bobs for us but that's most of what we contracted for the moment, until the weather improves and then - the biggie... Repointing the entire house!

And now Steve & I can start on some work that we CAN do - things like repainting rooms, etc.