Thanks for the reply kitsonk.
My partner is relatively stable, money wise. Whilst we don't have a great amount between us, he has been working his socks off for the last few months in order to make sure all his bills are paid off and he has something in savings etc. Work-wise, he's just finishing his Associates but has a lot of background experience in areas of electrical and car mechanics - manual stuff. We were thinking it may be worth his while doing a modern apprenticeship once he was settled over here.
As far as support goes, unfortunatley my parents aren't quite as helpful as they seem. They're fine with getting us set up, but have basically said that it's upto us to make the best of this, and my Dad is highly neurotic about giving out personal details, especially to the government :/ What we do have, however, is my partners Mum writing a letter of support bascially saying that she's prepared to help us out money-wise if we should need it, and she's including the past 6 months of her bank statements, showing her significant wages each month.
Essentailly we have managed to arrange a deal with our landlord so that between my Dad and I, we are paying off the first 6 months of the rent, so the money I make each month will not include and rent payments until January. Of course, by this time, my partner, given he's in the country, will be able to work and, hence, can also start bringing in an income, but really the greatest worry is that with so much going out initially, we are going to be left with somewhere between £1,500 and £2,500 in savings (after moving, setting up the flat, organising utilities etc etc etc) and I don't want the Embassy declining his application simply based on what funds we have available right now. We have drawn up a 12 / 24 month budget to plan out how much we would be paying out and how much we'll be making, and in the long term it works out very well, though as I said, I'm just worried about the short-term outlook from the point of view of the Embassy!