Happy driving!
Heck, you know, it might be an idea to talk with the company to ask for an instructor that's going to be sympathetic with the fact you aren't starting from scratch. My own instructor taught me from the principles that I'd been driving way longer than her and all she was to do was teach me how to pass the test and lose the bad habits I'd picked up.
If you're approached with that respect in mind, it makes it a lot easier. LOL...with my instructor, it was more a social thing...driving around for an hour gabbing like two school girls. Only occasionaly did I want to throttle her for telling me to look in the rear view mirror when swear I had.
Ah, but the secret there is that it has become so natural and spontaneous for me to do that, all I needed to do was un-adjust the mirror slightly so I had to strain just a little. She saw the body movement and was happy that I did look.
Another pointer I picked up was to imagine the instructor (and then test giver) had a bowl of water in his/her lap...and your job was to make sure none of it spilled. You'd be amazed at how much already experienced drivers just go for it...and jerk people around in the process.