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Topic: GAAA!! What to do with my stuff!  (Read 2020 times)

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GAAA!! What to do with my stuff!
« on: January 20, 2004, 11:44:21 PM »
My husband and I looked in our storage locker the other day and are just going mental thinking about what to do with it all.  :P We'll try to sell some things, but what about the stuff no one wants?  What were some of your experiences preparing for the move?  Not to mention, we'll be staying at a friend's flat already furnished.  Did anyone wind up storing anything and what can that run you?

Thanks for any input  :)

  • LisaE
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Re: GAAA!! What to do with my stuff!
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2004, 07:11:07 AM »
When I moved, I stored all my stuff in a rental place. I kept my car at a friend's house. And I had my brother and sister rifle through my things to take out EVERYTHING they wanted that was electrical. I planned to sell my car and ship the rest once I officially decided the UK was for me.

Well, the car didn't sell, and not many things electrical were taken out, so I ended up having to ship far more than I ever planned.

As far as pricing, I found this good indicator online...if you store in a unit within the US:
U-Store It

However, I think you were really asking for UK rates. When I moved across I was stunned by the lack of storage units. (Well, in Florida, they are on every corner, so it was a bit of overkill.) We did end up storing for six or so months and I wasn't thrilled with the price, though I can't recall it now. We found our storage place through our local moving company ("removals"), so I imagine that's a main route people go through for storage...ie, look for adverts for removals and ask if they do storage.

The overseas moving company we used was Pickfords, and to ship my car and a full three-bedroom house, including insurance, this ran around £2,500.

I note on their web site they do offer storage, though I can't immediately see rates, their other info on moving seems very helpful.
Pickford's storage
« Last Edit: January 23, 2004, 07:12:43 AM by Lisa »
Married to Graham, we run our own open-source computer training company in beautiful Wiltshire out of our 1814 Georgian Regency home (a former lodging house and once featured in Antiques Roadshow)

Re: GAAA!! What to do with my stuff!
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2004, 07:11:07 PM »
"The overseas moving company we used was Pickfords, and to ship my car and a full three-bedroom house, including insurance, this ran around £2,500."

 Lisa,is that AlliedPickfords out of Romania?We are in  search of a good moving company.Problem is we have been told that they wont bother unless you have a certain amount of things.

We will not be moving our whole house.We will  only be moving more like personal items like clothes, books ,pots and pans etc.... Of course we wont be taking anything electric.Iam giving my family most of the things we wont be taking.The only thing that I really like to take is Amber's bedroom suite.Its a very nice one.We are going to furnish the house from over there.

 Any idea would be welcomed! We cant remember the name of the company in the UK that moved us from there to here either.Not sure if they do international as well,but we didnt have to have a set amount either.

  • LisaE
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Re: GAAA!! What to do with my stuff!
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2004, 10:08:07 PM »
Hmm, how about using this site? Seems like it may be packed (oooh, bad pun) with great info:

American Moving and Storage Association
Married to Graham, we run our own open-source computer training company in beautiful Wiltshire out of our 1814 Georgian Regency home (a former lodging house and once featured in Antiques Roadshow)

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Re: GAAA!! What to do with my stuff!
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2004, 05:31:25 AM »
Thanks Lisa!  I shall investigate further.

Re: GAAA!! What to do with my stuff!
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2004, 04:12:19 PM »
 Ta from me as well Lisa ;D

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