Maybe you could try making a tuna salad with a creamy salad dressing? Also, I just remembered a quick and easy meal thing, that I used to eat as a kid. I got the idea from the kids pages in the sunday funnies back home, when I was really young. I tried it with my picky eater son the other day, and actually got him to eat tuna, which he won't normally eat. He doesn't like meat, or fish very much. It's a pizza roll-up type thing, I used brown bread, and you put a bit of spaghetti sauce in the middle of the bread, then sneak in whatever your kid won't eat, just make sure you mush it into the sauce, put some shredded cheese on top, fold it over three times, and stick a toothpick in, to hold it together, so it's rolled up, then put it under the broiler for a few minutes, so it gets browned and kinda crispy. My son loved it, and so did I!! I totally doesn't look like a 'yukky' meal, and tastes good too!!