I too am a Tagalong girl. I coud go through a whole box of those things at one sitting, and I'm not much of one for sweets...
My sd is in GS and we have a few boxes coming to us. Had I known earlier (we were not informed of the GS cookies sale until they were getting ready to put their order in. Dh got a rare phone call from sd that went, "Hi Dad. I'm selling gs cookies." Then after he ordered he got, "Ok. Well I don't really have anything else to say." But I digress.) I would have put it up here and yall could have ordered from her.
Oh well. Next year.
Edit: And I was a Pixie and Brownie. I got kicked out of Brownies, though, for punching another Brownie.
She deserved it. Her name was Suzanne and she kept making faces at me.