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Topic: Claustrophobic women causes plane to divert  (Read 2584 times)

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Claustrophobic women causes plane to divert
« on: August 16, 2006, 05:03:02 PM »

Claustrophobic woman causes plane to be diverted and 182 passengers to have a really really crappy day:


I just am hoping the lady wan't one of the folks who frequent the forums here.  I mean some of our a bit strange, but...

Of course people are way to jumpy.  It is funny how it started out that the lady had matches, lotion and a note referring to Al Queda, but then ends up being just a rude scared women.  I have met a lot of rude scared people in my life.
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Re: Claustrophobic women causes plane to divert
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2006, 05:10:00 PM »
I've been watching CNN this morning and saw this story...what a logistical nightmare for those on the plane.  One of the reporters was saying that with all they had to do to divert the plane to Boston, they may as well have landed at Dulles anyway.
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Re: Claustrophobic women causes plane to divert
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2006, 05:10:57 PM »
well that makes me feel better!  :)

Re: Claustrophobic women causes plane to divert
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2006, 05:14:32 PM »
You're in a plane - where ya gonna go?   ;D

She could have went outside but then she would have bigger problems.

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Re: Claustrophobic women causes plane to divert
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2006, 05:18:10 PM »
i'm flying to toronto on friday.  please please please god, don't put this woman's clone on this plane with me.
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Re: Claustrophobic women causes plane to divert
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2006, 05:21:59 PM »
This is why they make things like Adivan, Valium and Xanax!!!  :)

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Re: Claustrophobic women causes plane to divert
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2006, 05:29:37 PM »
seems to me a bit more important to ask "Do you suffer from anxiety attacks?" right after they've asked "Did you pack your bag yourself?"
But never fear, gentlemen; castration was really not the point of feminism, and we women are too busy eviscerating one another to take you on.

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Re: Claustrophobic women causes plane to divert
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2006, 05:45:52 PM »
My mom had claustrophobia and TBH it isn't something to be laughed at. But I don't agree with the woman causing a disturbance either. My mom always took a lot of anti-anxiety medication when flying (prescribed of course) but that causes another situation (long story).
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Re: Claustrophobic women causes plane to divert
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2006, 05:50:51 PM »
i have chlostrophobia and have had panic attacks (and i travel for work all the time-fun) but i fly on half a valium and some wine normally and i'm fine,

i did have a blow out with DH (the only time i get nervous, when i am alone i am OK) and he had to calm me down for about 10 mins.  I could NOT stop crying and could barely breathe.

But i know i'd not get to the point to cause a disturbance....at least not more than saying 'can i lie down, or can you bring me the entire drink cart'

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Re: Claustrophobic women causes plane to divert
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2006, 05:55:55 PM »
i have chlostrophobia and have had panic attacks (and i travel for work all the time-fun) but i fly on half a valium and some wine normally and i'm fine,

But i know i'd not get to the point to cause a disturbance....at least not more than saying 'can i lie down, or can you bring me the entire drink cart'

I'm not clastrophobic, but otherwise I am exactly the same. Even without the valium, I no longer have panic attacks, ever since my fear of flying has been resolved. :)

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Re: Claustrophobic women causes plane to divert
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2006, 06:00:50 PM »
I don't get the 2 fighter jets ..blimey!
But never fear, gentlemen; castration was really not the point of feminism, and we women are too busy eviscerating one another to take you on.

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Re: Claustrophobic women causes plane to divert
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2006, 07:08:09 PM »
My mom had claustrophobia and TBH it isn't something to be laughed at. But I don't agree with the woman causing a disturbance either. My mom always took a lot of anti-anxiety medication when flying (prescribed of course) but that causes another situation (long story).

My mom does too - but she prefers scotch to meds!

Re: Claustrophobic women causes plane to divert
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2006, 07:56:34 PM »
I"m sorry guys, what I wrote was meant as funny but also sounds very insensitive. I have never experienced it and never want to.

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Re: Claustrophobic women causes plane to divert
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2006, 08:29:18 PM »
How about because of the elevated terror alert, the plane sat on the runway for two extra hours, with passengers on it, a long haul flight, and the woman was stuck in coach on a full flight? I can totally sympathize with the urge to freak out. I don't have an issue with flying per se but I cannot handle being stuck like a sardine in a tin for such a long period of time and believe me, by the time we are on the runway riding into the terminal, I am climbing the walls ready to get the hell out of the plane. I'm not so sure about the stories about her with vaseline and a screwdriver (I so don't want to go there!!!) but I if she had a screwdriver maybe she was attempting to adjust her seat to get more leg room!!!

Re: Claustrophobic women causes plane to divert
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2006, 08:57:53 PM »
I think this woman should have at least taken proper measures to prepare herself for the flight. I mean, if I was clausterphobic nd I knew I was going to be on a transatlantic flight, I would at least mention it to my doctor and figure out my options. Even if she was stuck on the plane an extra 2-3 hours on the runway because of security reasons, I don't think that amount of time makes a difference. If you're going to have a panic attack, you're going to have one. She may have had one 2-3 hours later on the flight if her plane took off right on time. Who knows?

I do love, however, how the media totally jumped on and reported, without verifying, that she had a terroristic note, she had a screwdriver, and had some hand cream. It's like the news media is a gossip fest at sunday brunch after church with the ladies committee.  ::)

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