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Topic: Shipping with BA  (Read 1224 times)

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Shipping with BA
« on: September 05, 2006, 10:40:44 PM »
Hi all,

I feel that I'm getting a bit of a runaround!  Our quarantine ends next month (whee!!!) and we're making arrangements for me to fly to Seattle to bring our cat back to Yorkshire.  Before I book my plane ticket, I want to at least find out who/how I book her flight (so I don't have to worry about returning a plane ticket).

I called BA bookings, who told me to call the Seattle cargo office.  They gave me a number for their cargo based in London, who gave me a seperate number for a different company.  I have not yet called that number.   My understanding was that I would book this directly with BA cargo - instead they're telling me I have to go with this other company who then coordinates with BA?

For those out there who booked with BA... did you have this same runaround?  They also told me I have to wait and book her flight 13 days before the flight - this also makes me a bit nervous as I don't want to have my ticket booked and then find out they won't fly her on the same flight!

Any advice or help would be appreciated!

Re: Shipping with BA
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2006, 10:44:26 PM »
The 13 day thing is correct.  I didnt get any run around, I flew on BA with my dog from San Francisco to Heathrow.  I booked her ticket through BA cargo and mine through BA.  Same flight but had to book separate.

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