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Topic: REMINDER: Copyright, images, etc.  (Read 12794 times)

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REMINDER: Copyright, images, etc.
« on: September 13, 2006, 10:14:33 AM »
<global mod hat on>

Just a reminder folks...

Please do not post copyrighted items (this includes pictures, avatars, articles, etc.) on this site, as you leave UKY open to legal action. 

If you wish to share a copyrighted image with us, please post a link to the image and not the image itself.

If you are posting about news story, please summarise the story and post a link to the full article.  This is considered 'fair use'.

Also, if you choose to post an image (physically display it on UKY) which is located on another website, please ensure that it is not copyrighted and that you have the website owner's permission to display the image on UKY.  If you physically displaying an image on UKY that resides on another website, it is called hot linking (otherwise known as bandwidth theft) and causes additional traffic on the other site.  Quite often site owners become very upset to find websites hot linking images to their server.

If the mods find hot linked/copyrighted images or copyright articles, we reserve the right to remove them in order to protect UKY.  Please see http://talk.uk-yankee.com/index.php?topic=2887.0 for further information.


</global mod hat off>
« Last Edit: September 13, 2006, 11:26:02 AM by Cait »
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Re: REMINDER: Copyright, images, etc.
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2006, 01:17:31 PM »
Just another friendly reminder: please do not link to photos hosted on other sites unless you have express permission to do so.  This issue has been popping up again (in posts & signatures) and leaves Leah open to possible legal problems, so let's not give her an unwanted Christmas gift, eh?

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Re: REMINDER: Copyright, images, etc.
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2009, 11:49:36 AM »
There has been a recent development that the Associated Press (AP) is now charging for quoting of their articles, to the tune of $2.50 per word for 5 words or more.

Please do not quote any AP content unless you have purchased rights to do so. They'll likely use a service that scans webpages looking for their content where it's not authorised.

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