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Topic: Who has traveled recently from Heathrow?  (Read 1003 times)

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Who has traveled recently from Heathrow?
« on: September 24, 2006, 06:00:43 PM »
Just wondering if all the stores in the waiting area (Past security)are open and if it's OK to buy things like Water and medicines from them to take on the planes.  My SIL traveled from Stanstead last week and said she was able to do this, but I wanted to make sure it was the same at Heathrow. (I know it's a silly question probably, but had to ask)

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Re: Who has traveled recently from Heathrow?
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2006, 06:32:07 PM »
I can't vouch for Heathrow specifically (sorry) but I flew from Manchester on Friday and the vast majority of the stores airside had large signs posted stating "All items purchased in this store can be taken aboard flights, including liquids and gels, with the exception of flights to the USA" or some such. 

According to the BAA and the Heathrow website:

Further passenger information
Before security: All shops and catering outlets are open to all passengers, but any liquids and gels purchased must be packed into your luggage for check-in. Any other purchases must fit into your ONE item of hand baggage.

Once through security: All shops and catering outlets are open to all passengers. If you are travelling to any destination except the USA then you can take all items purchased in the departures lounge into the aircraft cabin.

If you are travelling to the USA: Extra restrictions are in place. Passengers will be subjected to secondary security searches at the gate. No liquids purchased in the departure lounge will be allowed into the aircraft cabin and any drinks or liquid items must be consumed before boarding. Food, however, is allowed. Passengers boarding flights to the USA and items they are carrying, including those acquired after the central screening point, will be subjected to secondary search at the gate and any liquids discovered will be removed.

So if you're traveling to the US, as I was, you're still pretty much SOL, but all other destinations allow water and other liquids.  (FWIW, I was allowed to carry on a contacts case filled with solution for my contacts when flying to the US on 22 September, but not my 2oz bottle of saline solution that I was allowed to carry on when I flew from the US to the UK on 16 September.)

Re: Who has traveled recently from Heathrow?
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2006, 07:09:42 PM »
Thank you so much Meg I really appreciate it.  Makes sense my SIL was going to Holland, so she could bring this stuff.  OY, no more duty free for me then I guess unless we go somewhere else.  (Well let's hope in the future we can)

Any idea about electronics?  MP3 players, laptops, mobiles etc? 

Thank you again!

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Re: Who has traveled recently from Heathrow?
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2006, 08:10:58 PM »
You're very welcome - glad I could help!

As for electronics, I carried my laptop, camera and mobile on board without any problems whatsoever, and the guy sitting in front of me had his iPod, so I imagine all the usual electronics are being allowed.  Going through security in Manchester, the officials were mainly concerned with liquids (both edibles and cosmetics/toiletries) and cigarette lighters - other than that, it was pretty straightforward (at least as straightforward as it's been since 9/11). 

The change in baggage allowances that went into effect last Friday meant that more folks were bringing laptop-sized bags and backpacks on board, too, rather than small purse-sized bags.  I nearly wasn't allowed to bring my pillow with me on the flight, though - they were following the "one carry-on item only" rule pretty strictly, and it wasn't until I rolled my pillow up tightly and stuffed it underneath the flap and buckle on my laptop bag that they would allow me through security!

Re: Who has traveled recently from Heathrow?
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2006, 08:18:36 PM »
Thank you again Meg.  This is great to know.

Wow, they are strict huh!  Good thing we can bring slightly bigger carry-ons we have a lot to bring this time around.

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Re: Who has traveled recently from Heathrow?
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2006, 12:14:32 PM »
when my DH & I went home on Sept 16th we went to the States. we were only allowed a small laptop size bag as a carry on. but if you were coming to the UK you were allowed a bigger carry on bag though. I dont know the size you are allowed now cause while we were away the size of bag you cud have as carry on changed. on our way home I used a nike duffle bag as my carry on an it was allowed. we got back last sunday  oct 1.

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Re: Who has traveled recently from Heathrow?
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2006, 09:21:06 PM »
I went through Heathrow last week, and honestly I was rather impressed with how they were handling things.  Much, much better than the chaos I was expecting.  Security was really quick (though you did have to take off shoes) as all lanes were open (6? 8?).  The lines for check-in and even for "Fast Bag Drop" were all *really* long, though again, they moved fairly fast. 

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