For the record, my eyes were -4.5 and -4.75. From what I understand > -7 is risky with LASIK and > -9 is not correctable. Sorry to hear of people with much worse vision then what I had, because I know no matter what, both glasses and contacts can be a pain!
As far as the vision getting worse, it is true that if whatever makes your vision is bad is progressive, then LASIK isn't for you. Again, I was lucky that my perscription has been stable for the previous 10 years. Also, it won't stop the farsightedness that comes with age. This is due to the hardening of your lens and can't be avoided. There is a trick they can perform though where they can undercorrect one of the nearsighted eyes in order to have a far vision and a near vision eye. I will just opt for the old man reading glasses as I get older.