Sorry if this has been covered countless times, I looked through a bunch of topics and didn't find anything asking quite the same question...
My British boyfriend and I have been dating for about 2 years and are looking into getting married. Currently, I am living with him in the UK on the BUNAC program and will finish in December. We want to get married in the U.S. next year, but do I need to apply for any fiance visa for my boyfriend or can he just come on a visitor visa? And secondly, we are not sure yet where we want to end up, we may eventually move out to L.A. Is it better for me to apply for a spousal visa and live in London first or should we move to the U.S. straight away? I love it in London, but it's starting to become apparent that career-wise, it might not be the best place (I'm in film/tv). My boyfriend is willing to really work anywhere since he works for an international company and would get a job easily working for them in the U.S. (after he has received a visa and all that obviously). We are both willing, however, to make concessions to make it easier. I'm just not sure what to do! I've looked a bit into these things, but am getting confused by the possibilities.
Thanks in advance for any advice!