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Topic: Note for work permit holders  (Read 1116 times)

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Note for work permit holders
« on: February 11, 2004, 08:55:25 PM »
Considering all the browsing I did of this site prior to my moving to the UK, I figured I should contribute as well.  I looked to see if anyone had already brought this up, but I couldn't find anything.  That being said, I apologize if I am repeating old news.

All work permit holders preparing to go to the UK now also need to apply for Entry Clearance as well.  My wife and I stopped in Chicago to get her entry clearance, as I thought the work permit was all I needed to enter the country.  In my defense, this is what the UK consulate's web site had said each time I checked it.  However, the woman at the counter in Chicago politely informed me that as of November 2003, the rules had changed, and now all people staying longer than six months require entry clearance (something to do with coming into line with EU guidelines).  Needless to say, we were a bit surprised, and were fortunate that 1) The woman allowed me to fill out the application while standing at the counter, rather than making me go back to the end of a very long line, 2) that they took credit cards (we only brought enough cash for my wife's application!), and 3) that I happened to have a spare set of passport photos, a requirement for the application.  A close call, but better than finding out once I arrived in the UK that I didn't have the proper documentation!!!

The consulate website did get updated sometime later in December, but I was still able to find pages that still said that a work permit was all you needed.  Needless to say, the pages could use a bit of an update.  Given that the rule is a recent one, my employer in the UK knew nothing about it, neither did other US nationals already working there.

Hope this helps people planning for the big move.

Re: Note for work permit holders
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2004, 08:59:17 PM »
Thanks much for this information!  I'm sure it will be helpful to someone!

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