Yesterday I made a mincemeat cake (using up a jar of mincemeat we had in the cupboard) from a recipe book that DH has had for a long time, entitled
Fast Cakes. It was not so fast though, because the recipe said to bake it for
1 3/4 hours!

Which I thought - gosh that sounds ever so long to bake a cake! So I set a timer for 1 hour & then to check it. Well it's a good thing I didn't bake it for the 1 3/4 hours the recipe said to do, because it would have surely been completely blackened by then. It was overcooked at 1 hour - we each had a piece while it was warm, but today it's as dry as a bone & I'm binning the rest. DH said he would take it to work for the boys to eat, but I said I'm ashamed for you to take that cake into work & it was really dry this morning.