I think it's either from the Madeira islands or named after Madeira, but I don't think you're supposed to put Madeira in it, if you do, it's a trace amount as I've never tasted Madeira in Madeira cake - however I'm all for adding booze to things though you should start a trend!
DH did a bit of googling & according to Wikipedia - referring to the sponge/pound cake as Madeira cake originated in England, circa 18th or 19th century, named after Madeira wine which was (in that time) traditionally served
with the cake. But not in it.
(cross-posted with MLG)
The recipe I used called for lemon zest & I was almost tempted instead to drizzle in a bit of Cointreau, because I have just a wee bit in the bottom of a bottle that wants using up. I only made the sponge cake part of
this recipe, which if you made the whole thing is boozy with Pimms-soaked fruits. However, I just served mine with macerated strawberries and cream.
Sent most of the rest to work with DH, as the boys there have been clamouring for cake!
It didn't turn out too badly - although I think the best bit was the part that leaked out of the springform pan (good thing I surrounded it with foil!). I am really out of practice on my cakes - so I hadn't left the eggs out to come to room temperature. When I added them to the softened butter, because the eggs were still cold then the butter got all lumpy-bumpy and the mixture wasn't smooth & didn't look like it was going to get smooth...so my batter was all lumpy-bumpy with butter when it went into the oven.