Zuchinni bread! Or, rather, courgette bread!!! Sounds healthy, but the recipe calls for a cup of vegetable oil and two cups of sugar. It makes two big loaves, but still, it's pretty deadly. And delicious. I made some a few weeks ago for my husband to take to work for his birthday and everyone thought it was the weirdest thing ever, but they totally ate it all up, and several of his co-workers emailed me for the recipe.
I couldn't find the cinnamon this time, so I used Chinese Five-Spice Powder (cinnamon, clove, ginger, fennel, and anise seed) instead. It worked perfectly - better, and more interesting, than just plain cinnamon.
Just had some for breakfast, heated under the grill, spread with a little cream cheese, with a cup of Earl Grey. Heavenly!