I made a carrot cake this afternoon - it was a Nigel Slater recipe. And I'll have to say it is the first Nigel Slater recipe I've ever made that has let me down!

I thought it would be good because - well it's Nigel Slater's recipe & also he said it's one of his most requested recipes from emails that he gets. However, I thought as I was making it - geez, this doesn't really have very many carrots in it?! I remember when my mom made carrot cake - she used to have a right moan about having to grate sooooo many carrots for it. And this cake took hardly any at all! It called for 150g of grated carrot, which ended up being only about four small carrots. But I thought well it's Nigel Slater's recipe, so it must be right. Nope - not nearly carrot-y enough for my tastes (and it's not as moist as I would like either) - but I will say that most of the carrot cake I've eaten here in the UK isn't very carrot-y & moist either.
Afterwards, I thought to look at the Hummingbird Bakery's recipe for carrot cake, and while it is much the same recipe in several respects - it calls for twice as much grated carrot.
The cake I made today - well it's not bad & the frosting is very nice (combination of mascarpone & cream cheese with icing sugar & orange zest)...but the cake is just 'meh'.