I made Nigella's "Snickerdoodles" from Domestic Goddess and I use quotes because Snickerdoodles are distinguished from sugarcookies by their cinnamon dusting and because they're made with cream of tartar and these didn't involve cream of tartar. They were good, and definately reminiscent of Snickerdoodles, but they weren't the same.
I also made her gingerbread (cake, not biscuits) with lemon icing and it's lovely. I'm not a fan of gingerbread cookies (except the little pepperidge gingerbread men which are nommy) but I had a slice of gingerbread at a restaurant once and it was wonderful so when I got the cake making itch it seemed the thing to try. My DF says he loves me more than he did before he tried the gingerbread, so I'll count that a success.