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Topic: What's the last thing you baked?  (Read 176874 times)

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Re: What's the last thing you baked?
« Reply #2325 on: June 13, 2011, 12:51:57 PM »
This weekend was BAKING MAD in order to supply our moorings baking for the open gardens weekend (we raise money for the RNLI every year).

I made a double batch of chocolate cupcakes with Baileys icing, a double batch of mojito cupcakes, and a batch of butterscotch brownies on Friday night, then my husband made a double batch of banana bread, a cointreau & chocolate cake, and an orange drizzle cake on Saturday, then I made another batch of butterscotch brownies and a mojito cupcake batch on Saturday night after the previous lots sold out.

Between this and our Sunday roast, our oven was on for a good 5-6 hours each day...
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Re: What's the last thing you baked?
« Reply #2326 on: June 24, 2011, 10:26:25 AM »
I baked some bread yesterday, and today I am attempting Chelsea Buns, because they're the closest thing to cinnamon buns I could find in any of our recipe books.  I'm tweaking the filling to add cinnamon.  :)

I've never made a sweet bun type thing of any kind, minus the Pillsbury ones that come in the can, so it should be interesting.  I'm a bit concerned at the moment because the dough seems really buttery, but I guess we'll see!
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Re: What's the last thing you baked?
« Reply #2327 on: June 24, 2011, 01:06:15 PM »
They seemed to have turned out alright, although I'm not sure they are what they are supposed to be... :P

The dough never really rose like it was supposed to.  It feels more like a pastry than a dough. I'm wondering if it was too much butter/not enough yeast. They still taste good anyway!  :)
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Re: What's the last thing you baked?
« Reply #2328 on: July 01, 2011, 10:32:50 PM »
I baked carrot muffins today with vanilla buttercream icing. I must say that they turned out surprisingly well. Most things I've cooked haven't tasted quite right - or rather, the ingredients aren't the same so it hasn't had that "back in America" taste.

The only thing I had to omit was sweetened shredded coconut because I've only seen dessicated coconut in the supermarkets I checked. Back in America it's everywhere...

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Re: What's the last thing you baked?
« Reply #2329 on: July 07, 2011, 12:27:20 PM »
I made a strawberry almond crumble from Nigella's <i>Kitchen</i>. DH has decided it's his favourite crumble topping ever and now wants it on every crumble-type dish. I thought it was good, but not the only crumble topping I'd ever want to eat ever again.

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Re: What's the last thing you baked?
« Reply #2330 on: July 07, 2011, 01:03:24 PM »
I made a quiche lorraine for a friend who's had a bad fall from a horse and can't use one of her hands at the moment - so I'm guessing cooking is out!  I'm taking it round later on - hope she likes quiche!!

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Re: What's the last thing you baked?
« Reply #2331 on: July 09, 2011, 03:19:10 PM »
Finally broke my new KitchenAid mixer out of its box and made macaroons for the first time ever! I followed this recipe and one sheet turned out PERFECT and the other was hollow, which later I found out to mean they weren't cooked long enough. For a first attempt, I'm very happy with that!

I also made a batch of butterscotch brownies and a batch of chocolate cupcakes, too. All the above are for our last open gardens bake sale event tomorrow...
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Re: What's the last thing you baked?
« Reply #2332 on: July 26, 2011, 02:01:14 PM »
Currently baking some oatmeal raisin cookies with 2 loaves of bread on deck for after.

The cookies are a different (simpler) recipe from the one I normally use, because I didn't have all the stuff, and they smell freaking awesome.  :)
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Re: What's the last thing you baked?
« Reply #2333 on: July 26, 2011, 02:16:43 PM »
I made a raspberry bakewell tart for DH which he didn't eat  :-\\\\

I made a loaf of bread, but my bread-fu continues to be bread-foo and I forgot the sugar so it didn't rise  :-\\\\

and I made carrot cake muffins but this recipe (nigel slater's) doesn't have enough carrots, either.  :\\\'( I need a brilliant, bursting with carrots and incredibly moise carrot cake recipe!

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Re: What's the last thing you baked?
« Reply #2334 on: July 26, 2011, 02:29:16 PM »
I made a loaf of bread, but my bread-fu continues to be bread-foo and I forgot the sugar so it didn't rise  :-\\\\

What is your bread recipe and how do you knead it?  I never put sugar in my bread and it rises a treat!  Mine is 1000g strong bread flour, 600 ml warm water, 10g dry yeast, 20g salt.  It makes 2 nice sized round loaves.
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Re: What's the last thing you baked?
« Reply #2335 on: July 26, 2011, 02:52:59 PM »
What is your bread recipe and how do you knead it?  I never put sugar in my bread and it rises a treat!  Mine is 1000g strong bread flour, 600 ml warm water, 10g dry yeast, 20g salt.  It makes 2 nice sized round loaves.

The one I've been using is 500g bread flour (usually a mix of white, wheat, and/or rye), 300ml water, one sachet of yeast, tablespoon of butter, and a tablespoon of sugar, tablespoon of salt makes one loaf.  The last couple of times it wasn't rising so I reduced the salt to one tsp (salt limits the growth of yeast) but I forgot the sugar so it still didn't work. It rose overnight - we don't have the heat on so I didn't have a warm place to let it proove for an hour, but didn't do much on the second proove, even in the kitchen with the oven on to keep it warm.  :-\\\\ It used to work, but lately it hasn't.

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Re: What's the last thing you baked?
« Reply #2336 on: July 26, 2011, 03:08:52 PM »
Pillsbury Funfetti cupcakes - mix sent to me from my sister in the states. Sort of juvenile, I know but for some reason, these things are a HUGE hit here and my hub absolutely hates to share them with the neighbors (which is pretty much the only reason I make them).
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Re: What's the last thing you baked?
« Reply #2337 on: July 26, 2011, 03:10:10 PM »
 :( That stinks! I guess it must be the sugar, though I never put any in so I'm not sure how that works.  The only thing I can suggest, and this is how I bake my bread anyway, is to have your oven on the highest temperature it goes to for the first 10 minutes of baking and then turn it down to 190/180/170 for the rest of it.  The shock of super hot air will make the bread rise quite a bit and will help to give it a nice crust as well.  I tend to underknead my dough despite my best efforts (kneading is so boring!!!) so it can be kind of floppy.  It usually helps give it a lift.  :)

I also usually have a roasting tin with hot water from the kettle in the bottom of the oven.  The steam helps to make a nice crust.
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Re: What's the last thing you baked?
« Reply #2338 on: July 27, 2011, 12:28:30 AM »
I need a brilliant, bursting with carrots and incredibly moise carrot cake recipe!

I don't know if it's brilliant, but this recipe did the trick for me:

Carrot Muffins
1 ½ c flour
1 c sugar
½ tsp salt
½ tb baking soda
½ tb cinnamon
¼ tsp ginger
¼ tsp nutmeg
¾ c oil
2 large eggs
1 tb vanilla extract (the real stuff)
¾ c chopped nuts (optional)
1 c grated carrot
½ crushed pineapple

I think the pineapple is what made it moist. I couldn't taste it and the cake wasn't dry. I guess if you want it more carroty you could up the amount to 1 1/2 - 1 3/4 cup. I might do that next time because the carrot flavor wasn't that pronounced.

It makes 12 muffins and I baked it at 350 degrees F for 20 minutes.

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Re: What's the last thing you baked?
« Reply #2339 on: July 27, 2011, 11:05:05 AM »
Thanks  :) I've had carrot cake with pineapple before and it definitely makes it more moist and a bit sweeter.

I'm thinking about trying Pioneer woman's carrot cake recipe, but the pictures don't look as carroty as I want, either  :-\\\\  I think I'm just going to have to experiment with more carrots and adjusted cook-times.

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