I made a gorgeous devil's food cake last night from Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything book's recipe. Ended up being a bit perilous as the power cut out right after I'd only had the layers in the oven for 5 minutes, and it stayed off for 2 hours! I was really afraid it wouldn't turn out, because you fold beaten egg whites into the batter at the last before baking, to give it extra oomph.
Well it might have raised a bit higher (had the power not cut off for two hours), but I still went ahead & baked it in the end - it came out tasting pretty darn good.
And I have finally decided - any (US) recipe that calls for cake flour? Use 00 flour (available at Sainsburys & probably Waitrose & also our local delis carry it) - Bob's your uncle! It says on the packet that it's for making pasta & pastries, etc. But it's a finely milled flour (as is cake flour) & the cake came out wonderfully with the crumb & texture, etc.