It seems to be Friday again. I don't know where the days went....
1) Daughter is coming home in a couple of months. The finances just don't work for her out there - it's too expensive to live in California on what they are paying her, and the landlord just gave notice that she wants the flat back (it's a granny flat, and granny is moving into it). So in a few months I'll be doing another epic cross-country drive. Only this time slower, and we'll be stopping to play tourist more often. We're going to try to get to Mesa Verde, Roswell (it's on the way), Carlsbad Caverns, Cahokia Mounds, the George Washington Carver Museum, and Gettysburg in on this trip, if we can, at least. Not driving more than six hours a day this time (fingers are crossed on that). Except the one day we are going to do a dash to get all the way across Oklahoma. That'll take a good 9 hours, but the road is good all the way. I just wish it wasn't in the dead of summer. We'll have to get up really early and travel before dawn as much as we can, to beat the heat.
2) My Peonies have finally come up. It froze overnight the last several nights, but I had put bin bags over them and they seem fine. It appears that we are about done with the freezing weather now. (Tempting fate, I know.) The potatoes are planted, the onions and garlic are doing fine, and I need to plant the leeks soon.
3) Some genius has decided to re-release movies from the 90s and 00s in the theatres. I have a ticket to see "The Mummy" (Brendan Frazier) tomorrow and one to see the extended version of "The Fellowship of the Ring" in June. Not sure I'll go to the other two LOTR movies (on subsequent evenings), but I think the Fellowship is the best of the three anyway. So Saturday afternoon at the movies again, even if I have to wear a good mask. I have really missed the movies. The tickets are selling very well. I have the movies on DVD, but they are really made for a big screen experience.
Actually, I can probably quote all the lines in "The Fellowship" as they're saying them, I've seen it so many times.
4) The solitary bees have hatched from our solitary bee house out on our balcony, and are happily doing what solitary bees do. It looks very much like they are planning for more bees. Apparently they don't go more than 300 yards from where they've hatched, so I guess I'll go get some flower plants at the nursery for them.
5) It's beautiful outside. Maybe 60F (15.5C) with blue skies. All the trees are blooming (cue the Loratadine), and some of the flowers are just starting to come up. It's so nice to have been able to take the plastic sheeting off the windows for the year and open up the house a bit to get the stale air out.
Hope all is well on your side of the pond.