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Topic: Heroes Spoiler thread  (Read 10245 times)

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Re: Heroes Spoiler thread
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2007, 02:33:27 PM »
I like how you think!   ;) 

Thanks!  ;D
I just cant put my finger on Claires dad....just not sure about that one... Is it time for another episode yet!  Hate waiting!!!  :P

The previews for next week's episode are saying that it will answer questions about Mr. Bennett!  Yay!  But, I will be in the UK and won't be able to watch until I get back home!

This week's episode was sooo good.  But, I am not saying anything because I don't know when you guys get to see it over there.

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Re: Heroes Spoiler thread
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2007, 02:08:45 PM »
I'm also kinda thinking Ando might go.  Aside from being Hiro's straight man, I'm not really sure what his purpose is. ???

Sometimes I freak myself out.....

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Re: Heroes Spoiler thread
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2007, 10:10:47 PM »
Hey!  This is why the title of this thread is SPOILER!!!
The pilot episode just aired here in the UK... but some of us are caught up because of iTunes :)
So say anything here, that's what the thread is for!

So... Simone!!  Surprised.  Well done.  My jaw actually dropped as I sat on the train watching it.
Yet... fine by me ;)

I'm gettin kinda tired of Sylar now; something more's gotta happen there.
And we need something GOOD to happen to Matt now.

(I am amazed though that the most recent episode of Lost from the States is now airing here tonight!)
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Re: Heroes Spoiler thread
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2007, 10:23:19 PM »
I don't think Simone was the hero they were touting as killing off, i thought they copped out and killed the new lady, Dale.  The mechanic with super-hearing.  Simone's not really a hero is she?  Still surprised they killed her too.

Next week it looks like we'll find out all about Claire and her dad.  Can't wait to see that one!!

And we need something GOOD to happen to Matt now.

Looked like next week has him fighting with Claire's dad in the previews, not sure if it'll be good or bad for him.

Re: Heroes Spoiler thread
« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2007, 10:34:40 PM »
I was so bummed!  I wanted more from Dale; I dug her super power.

The show is starting to seriously drag.  I'm tired of them promising me something big, only to wuss out.  I mean, Simone?  Seriously?  Am I even supposed to care?  I'm not expecting mind-blowing episodes every week, but they need to start kicking it into gear, you know?

Okay, enough complaining. :)

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Re: Heroes Spoiler thread
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2007, 09:53:24 AM »
Yes, agreed... really wanted to see more of Dale.  She looked like a cool character (and i love that actress).
I didn't see any previews, so I only know from what I read here.  Did they say a 'hero' would be killed off?  Or did they insinuate by saying one of the major characters would be killed off?

In any case, I think things will be going at a better pace.  I did read the guy who created it has had it mapped out over a five year course (unlike another television show that has really LOST a lot of viewers).
I'm glad something came to light between Claire and her dad instead of him denying it and able to cover it up again and that's it.  Makes him in particular a more interesting character, showing he's fallible and vulnerable.

Did anyone catch the reference to Lost?  Can't remember the exact quote, but Mr. Bennett said something in reference to it that was kind of funny (a bit of a jab).
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Re: Heroes Spoiler thread
« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2007, 12:44:33 PM »
I guess they just insinuated that one of the heroes would die.  They kept playing a preview saying "one will fly, one will die" so i assumed they meant a hero. 

Next week definitely looks good.  It shows Claire, her dad, Matt, the nuclear radiation guy and the girl that is walking hot-spot or whatever all in Claire's house, fighting.  They also showed a flashback to Claires dad holding her as a baby and then her now asking him if he "made" her the way she is.  Looks like we'll finally get a few answers about that.

I missed the Lost reference, but then i was never able to stay interested enough to watch it so it probably didn't register to me.

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Re: Heroes Spoiler thread
« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2007, 01:30:53 PM »
Oh, the Lost reference wasn't that specific, he just said something like "It's not like we're on a desert island forever..."
Or something like that.

I'll check later and see what he actually said.
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Re: Heroes Spoiler thread
« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2007, 03:02:15 PM »
Bah!  Next week I will be in the UK with no access to new Heroes!  AHHHH!  Never been more thankful for my DVR!  But, I will be with DB so I shouldn't complain!  ;)

I quite liked this week's episode because it focused more on Claire and Matt and not at all on Nikki.  I needed a Nikki break.  I am glad that they moved Claire's story line forward in regards to her father.  I agree with Elizabeth, makes him much more interesting.

God, I love this show!!
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Re: Heroes Spoiler thread
« Reply #24 on: February 23, 2007, 02:07:43 PM »
Simone is not a hero as of yet but in Peter's dream, where all the heroes are together before he explodes, she IS there, the only non hero so maybe she will find out she does have powers. Who knows!

« Last Edit: February 23, 2007, 02:52:55 PM by JuneHawk »

Re: Heroes Spoiler thread
« Reply #25 on: February 24, 2007, 12:42:02 PM »
Sooo glad no Nikki on this weeks show!  I felt bad for Claires mom and her memory loss, but I'm glad Claire is onto her dad.  We were both shocked over Simone...  :\\\'(

The boy read some geeky spoilers online and it said that one of the heroes, that was seen in the first ten minutes of the pilot, will die.  So now, who all was shown in the first ten minutes of the first show!  AHH!  The plot thickens......

(love this show!)

PS, we just watched last night since the boy is away during the week now.  So I'm a few days behind all of you here!!

Re: Heroes Spoiler thread
« Reply #26 on: February 24, 2007, 07:44:10 PM »
So now, who all was shown in the first ten minutes of the first show!  AHH!  The plot thickens......

I can't even guess, and it's already deleted from the DVR.  Unless it was that scene of all of them in New York as Peter explodes.  Then it could be anyone!

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Re: Heroes Spoiler thread
« Reply #27 on: February 27, 2007, 12:55:26 PM »
OMG   ***Huge Spoilers so don't read if you haven't watched it yet*****

Last night's episode was so amazing.  I hate that they can tell you so much but at the same time so little.

Can't believe that Hiro's dad knows about everything and was part of Claire ending up with her parents.  Nearly fell off the couch when that came on.  Finally we get to see a bit more of Claire's father and his past.  How amazing is it that Christopher Eccleston's character was his partner at one time and Claire's dad shot him.  I wonder who he was hiding to get shot over.

It was interesting seeing the Haitian as a kid and seeing the part he's played all along and now he's protecting Claire.  Was shocked that they had to shoot her dad to cover up that he's trying to keep her from getting turned into  "them".

Looks like Matt's character may end up getting a bigger role.  Who's the mystery guy that seems to be in charge of everything?  He was telling Claire's dad Matt would make a good partner.  How cool would that be?

The preview for next week looks pretty awesome too.  Shows Simone coming back, looks like she may turn out to be a hero after all or her shooting was a set-up. Shows her standing there all bloody in the artist studio asking if anyone wants to shoot her again. 

And we get to see Linderman finally.  They showed a profile of him, white hair, beard i think.  Doesn't look like we've seen him before. I can't believe we have to wait an entire week for another episode!

Re: Heroes Spoiler thread
« Reply #28 on: February 27, 2007, 10:42:12 PM »
For what it's worth, I had the closed captioning on while watching last night's episode, and Eric Roberts' character was referred to as "Thompson" in the captioning.

Actual tears came to my eyes for a moment at the end of the episode.  Good TV.

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Re: Heroes Spoiler thread
« Reply #29 on: March 01, 2007, 10:00:05 AM »
I don't read this thread until I've watched... which is usually Wednesday mornings on my way to work :)
Excellent episode.  Love how they showed Claire's dad as a human being with such flaws and compassion underneath all that.
And YAY! Eric Roberts!!!  A highly underrated actor.
I don't get previews through iTunes... but Simone, back???   ::)  Oh well.
Wonder if Claude was hiding Claire maybe??  Or someone we've not yet met...

I have to say though, I question why Thomson would shoot nuclear guy... I mean, kinda dumb, innit?  Knowing that would infuriate him?  I though he was going to shoot Mr. Bennett; of whom I'm sure we've not seen the last!
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