Every supermarket is 'eating Britain'. With perhaps Waitrose as an exception, supermarkets care not one jot for the environment, for carbon footprinting or ethical treatment of animals, for the economic wellbeing of their suppliers, or for the health of their consumers. If they say they do, well, they're lying, and it is all a PR stunt.
Unfortunately, while many of us would like to shop at Waitrose, Fresh and Wild and farmer's markets all the time, the supermarkets have us by the short and curlies, as they have this great advantage over ethical traders. They're cheap. And while the comfortable middle classes can afford to only buy locally sourced, organic, fair trade and community focused goods, most people don't have the time or the money to be so picky. How many of us have time to read local planning applications each week to get our objections in?
It will take a lot for the trend to be reversed.