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Topic: The Da Vinci Code  (Read 7008 times)

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Re: The Da Vinci Code
« Reply #30 on: June 22, 2004, 11:25:26 AM »
I was disappointed - was expecting something more like Eco rather than what someone described here as a treasure hunt. For books and movies I am interested in, I don't read the reviews so I had only a vague idea what it was about. Anyway, I won't be reading his other books. However I do love stuff that are historical mysteries - if you like Eco, look for Arturo Perez-Reverte. He is fantastic. You may have seen the Ninth Gate, which was based on his book the Dumas Club (if you've seen the movie, which I thought was terrific, you'll find it only skimmed the book and you'll have much to enjoy in reading it).

Also just finished The Rule of Four which was similar to the Da Vinci Code in that it was solving Renaissance riddles (these based in a book from then), but it's more of a character study as well as a mystery. Pretty good - I did like it better than DVC; my only complaint being that as it was told by college students it was a bit precocious but that's not really a huge criticism as they captured the way you think when you're that age. I must be getting old.

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