Our house just went on the market :\\\'(
I am so sad. I LOVE this house. Dh mentioned the whole "settled" thing too and I felt settled until he found this job in the US. Now all of a sudden my life is up in the air again. I will have to say goodbye to friends and family (his and I adore them) and move to a totally new area, resettle. Buy another house etc... It will be good, but this is so much different than when I moved here. It's very bittersweet for me.
Dh thinks moving to America is going to be better for education, housing, cost of living and he's always wanted to live there. I always point out the weather (most likely moving to texas), but he says it's not a big factor for him (is that a guy thing?).
I think it's better for cost of living, housing, convenience (everyday conveniences since I already know the systems), shopping, and it's easier to see my family more often.
However, if we ended up staying here a little longer, I wouldn't be upset at all. My career (pilates instructor) is just taking off and have more training to complete.