Arrrrrgh. For those of you playing along at home, the University of Exeter's been waiting for confirmation of my degree so they can change the status of my offer to unconditional and I can get my student loans certified. So, being the diligent student I am, I had my previous school forward them official sealed transcripts showing that I was awarded a BA in theatre as of May 13th (yay, me).
Only today do I get email telling me that transcripts won't work--they need either my actual diploma or a certified copy of it--and that this was mentioned in the postgraduate guidance notes they sent me.
Now, check me here...this is what those guidance notes say on the relevant page:
"[...] you must provide evidence of your qualifications by submitting an original certificate or a certified copy of your degree qualification(s) [...]"
And then two sentences later:
"All certificates, transcripts or Certificates of Qualification submitted [...]"
Is it just me, or would a reasonable person also possibly interpret that as meaning that transcripts are okay?
Gah. I just want to be done with this whole process and taking classes already...