Does anyone here know how to crochet a baby blanket? of does anyone know someone who knows how?
Here is what I need and why..
When I was 8 months pregnant with DD in 1991, I found a crocheted baby afghan in a craft shop. I bought it for her and used it as her primary blanket until DS was born when he inherited the blanket in 1994. Well that blanket has been a part of him ever since and he loves that blanket - sleeps with it every night, carries it downstairs to cuddle with every morning. It has been on every trip we've ever taken.
We got a new washing machine last november and when i washed it for the first time in the new washer, the water was waaay to hot and totally ruined the blanket. It's been hanging on but is now starting to fall apart. DS will remind me of it every once in a while, with tears in his eyes.
His birthday is coming up and although I know it won't replace his blanket (or "Baby" as he calls it - it was the first B word he learned), I want to get a new blanket made.
Can anyone help me?