The biggest culture shock for me was when I wanted to do something that was easy and thought-free for me to do in the US... and I felt like a child having to re-learn the small things. I was expecting the big things, I knew I wouldn't drive, I knew the food would be different, I knew things would be crazy expensive... the hardest things were going to the post office to do errands that were simple (like registered mail or something), but still a TOTALLY different procedure and I felt silly asking how to do it. Or how I couldn't get my washing machine to work for the longest time and had to read the manual front to back twice just to figure it out. Trying to make bacon on my MIL's gass grill for the first time but not wanting to ask her, as an ADULT, how to work such a contraption. Wanting an 8.5 x 11 photo frame and having to search long and hard for it, having to search long & hard for a LOT of things that in my US life I'd just say "Oh, I'll go to Target", or if it's after 10pm I'd go to Meijer! Things like that, and there are millions of them, are what took me the longest to get used to. Just re-learning so much stuff I had taken for granted I knew how to do...