i always feel like an outsider in England. :-/ every day, i am reminded of how pathetically American i am.
i wouldn't feel so weird if i had a few of my friends from back home here with me. i feel so alone sometimes. (i miss them all so much.) i miss "inside jokes" and silly conversations about familiar, American things. here... like if i say "that dress is so Brady Bunch" no one has a clue... stuff like that. i really hate NOT being "in the know". i feel so stupid a lot in England... like i have no clue what people are talking about, etc. (i hate that.) then you get the person (usually my husband) who is kind enough to explain it to you, but by then, the joke has worn off, and it loses its funniness or whatever, and you feel like a big dork / outsider.
i never "dreamed" of coming to this country before i met my husband. i really didn't know much about England until i got here, and i still feel like i don't know sh**. i just wanted to be with the man i love, who happened to live here. sometimes i wonder if i will ever feel at home here... like i belong... :'(
(sorry to be so depressing-sounding, btw... :-/)
btw, thanks againto everyone that posts here at UK Yankee. this site really helps me understand where i am, and i am so thankful for all of the support that i recieve here. its nice to know that i am not the only one that has feelings of being an outsider. x o x o