I also like that people don't seem to be as judgemental towards others appearances. Being slightly overweight isn't really an issue here.
This is entirely OT, but I have not found this to be the case *at all*. In fact, I'd say it was the exact opposite, but maybe that's a London thing.
But back on the topic, the thing I like most about the UK has mostly already been said! However, I'll add the cool weather. I love that it doesn't get too hot here...and if it does heat up it's only for a couple of days. Love that!
I love that there are no poisonous spiders or snakes in the whole country! That's a very good thing. (Even tho I still don't want them in my house, thank you very much!)
I know it's already been said, but a real plus for me here is the fact that people are a lot less materialistic. People still like nice things, but there's just a whole different attitude about life here in that respect.
I love it when I take my dry cleaning in, the kid there who is probably 19, winks at me and calls me 'love'. That always makes me feel like such a lady.
I love being able to shop for bread at a bakery and meat at a butcher, and being able to get my veggies from a stand on the street.
And I love the roses. Everywhere you go in London in the summer is brimming with roses.
That's just a few tho!
As to the point at which I could say, "yeah, this is gonna be okay...!" There were moments of it from the very start, but it didn't really happen for me until about 2 years into my life here. (In fact, it was 18 May 2003, to be exact: http://www15.brinkster.com/wishstar/may03/18.html)
Probably sounds like a long time, but it did go pretty fast for the most part!