Good things about the UK:
• Got a toothache in the middle of the night, the next day I walked into the dentist without an appointment and in 20 minutes had: seen a dentist, got x-rays, prescription, made an appointment for a root canal and had a cleaning.
The whole thing will cost less than my normal checkup without x-rays in the US (not as many flavours of fluoride though)!
• BBC period dramas
• Wells Banana Bread Beer
• Cream Tea, High Tea, Champagne Tea
• Better Train system than in the US
• Cabs and buses in small towns. So much easier than worrying about a DD
• Eurostar
• Cathedrals
• Working at a very small company: 15 people with 8 nationalities between us
In the States I worked at a company with 100+ people and all save one Canadian were American