oh kirssy and mfredericka - thank you SO much. your words are very comforting. I had thought I was being odd for it to seem so hard when we are so close to being together. when i was trying to send my documents up to new york and left work at my lunch hour to go find a fedex location to send it up and i got there and they were closed for another hour, it was so weird. i started to cry! :'( i just wanted to get the documents sent up there and have them get there asap. so i went back to work, emailed my sweatheart and he reminded me that after all we've been through, one more day won't make a difference in the scheme of things. I left work early and still got it mailed that day.
The hard thing is that I only have my mom here, who I talk to a lot, but the rest of my family and all my friends are in Maine, while Im isolated here in Florida. After work I have a hard time amusing myself here and I just watch tv and scour the internet for things that have to do with moving. jobs, flats, anything. Thankfully my dad is coming down to FLA on holiday and Im leaving today to go and spend the weekend with him! yay! It will be the last time i see him for a while and we have SO much to talk about. And Im so grateful for this site, there is so much support from people who have been through the process and its AMAZING. At first I felt silly posting this, but now Im glad I did.
*thank you thank you*