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Topic: 1st time visting London what do i bring?  (Read 1528 times)

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1st time visting London what do i bring?
« on: February 28, 2004, 01:31:41 AM »
Hi everyone,
the quesiton is more of WHAT SHOULD I NOT BRING LOL.
 I was reading the  pages of what peopel should have or  shoud have brought ( helpful stuff)
 OKAY i want to bring a journal because i always carry one plus ihave alreayd writtien inside what things i want to bring with me. Can anyone help is that a bad idea. I am just visiting but what would they comfiscate at customs?

I HAVE A GOOD QUESTION its dumb but what in the WORLD is Beans on Toast? is it just like it says or is there mor to it  than that. I know its dumb but i am  like WTF?
Is the fast food there anything like here like Mcdonald's does it taste the same cos i love Mc donald's
Is it okay to eat refrerated meat like if u cook it ttne cook it the  next day in the microwave? I have heard  something about not doint ghta.
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Re: 1st time visting London what do i bring?
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2004, 07:21:02 AM »
A first journey to London - pehaps a first journey to another continent - is a huge step and you're right to be wondering lots of things.  I'm born and bred in Englnd, and I remember my first intercontinental trip (to Ottawa, Canada of all places).  Very exciting, very new and yet ... another city, civilised, full of people who are 98% like the people at home; of course I worried before I went there but it turned out to be a lovely place with lovely people.  I'm sure you'll find your experience in England the same.

Now - let me see - what did you ask  ;D

For the journey Your passport (you a US citizen? if so, you can come for a holiday without a Visa) and your return ticket (in case you're asked to show that your really are a visitor at immigration).  Check out the "Visas and Citizenship" board.  As a genuine visitor, you'll sail in, but try to "sneak in" for other reasons and the folks at passport control are trained to spot you!

Bring your personal effects and what you'll need for while here - customs are much more concerned about illegal substances, firearms  and professional smuggling that they are about your day to day stuff. But remember there's no point in bringing things you can buy locally, which is just about anything. Pack anything that's sharp in your checked luggage - not for customs, but for the airline security folks.

For when you're here Warm clothes (you're from LA? It will be 10 to 15 degrees colder most of the time) and comfortable shoes (I expect you'll be using the excellent public transportation for most journeys).

Beyond that - hey - in many ways the UK is the "52nd state" with just that 2% difference.  You'll find a McDonald's on every corner in London (my daughter works for them!), and many of the other chains too.  You'll find "Friends" on the TV.  But there are enough differences to make a trip here a real pleasure - have a look through some of the posts to other boards on this forum - you'll find many questions already answered, and people far better qualified than "your travel correspondent" to answer questions on refrigerated meat.

There's a lot to do in London.  Take the tube (Subway) and the bus - epsecially try route 11 which takes you past many of the main tourist sites in company of the locals.  Ride the London Eye, see the Tower of London, Westmister Abbey, the river, Greenwich. Take a trip to the Theatre to see live shows - there must be around 30 shows every evening.  And sample the food - try a pub lunch (and an unchilled beer), have "fish and chips".

Many good trips out of London too, but I suspect I've alredy said enough to get you started ... do post any follow ups and I and many others will chip in with their ideas and suggestions based on the sort of things you like to do.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2004, 07:30:17 AM by grahame »
-- Graham
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Re: 1st time visting London what do i bring?
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2004, 10:08:30 AM »

 OKAY i want to bring a journal because i always carry one plus ihave alreayd writtien inside what things i want to bring with me. Can anyone help is that a bad idea. I am just visiting but what would they comfiscate at customs?

Bring a journal if it's just about the interesting things you see and do on your trip.  DONT bring it if it mentions anything about job-seeking or boyfriends/fiancees in the UK.

I HAVE A GOOD QUESTION its dumb but what in the WORLD is Beans on Toast? is it just like it says or is there mor to it  than that. I know its dumb but i am  like WTF?

It's exactly what it says... toast with a can of beans poured over it.  

Is the fast food there anything like here like Mcdonald's does it taste the same cos i love Mc donald's

Im sorry I cant answer this for you, because i think that McDonalds is the most vile food ever created... I dont eat it, so i cant tell you if its the same here as in the US.  McDonalds & Burger King will probably be the only 2 familiar-looking fast food places to you.  No Carls Jr, no Taco Bell.
Is it okay to eat refrerated meat like if u cook it ttne cook it the  next day in the microwave? I have heard  something about not doint ghta.

I'm not sure i understand what you mean...
It's the same as in California.  
If you bought a raw steak today, cooked it, but didnt eat the whole thing.  You put it in the fridge.  
Tomorrow, if you decide you want to finish it, you heat it up in the microwave and eat it.
But im not sure i understood your question....  ???


Dont forget to hit the duty free shop when you are in LA before you board the plane for London!  It's cheaper because you pay no tax on it, and you can bring a litre of spirits into the UK, and sometimes the booze you buy in the duty free is export strength, so it's stronger (read: better!  ;) ).

Hope you have a good journey.

« Last Edit: February 29, 2004, 12:07:59 AM by Broxi »

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Re: 1st time visting London what do i bring?
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2004, 04:27:41 PM »
If you've got a new blank journal, bring it.  But make sure you don't have anything that talks about wanting to live in England or get married or anything...if immigration suspect you are not here to just visit, they have the right to search your things and use *anything* as evidence against you.

I think you've been misinformed about the meat situation here.  Treat meat exactly the same as you would in the US....it's no different really.  (Actually it's a lot fresher, but nevermind that!)

Beans on toast is indeed just a tin of baked beans on top of buttered toast.  But the beans here are different.  So it's probably not quite what you're imagining.  Trust me, it ain't half bad!  :)

Good luck with your trip!

edited to add:  McDonalds is just about the same here.  Almost all your favorites will be found, and will taste the same.  The sizes of fries and drinks are smaller, and you're unlikely to get much ice in them, and there are no free refills, but other than that, you'll find what you want.  There will probably be a few things on the menu that you *don't* have in the US, too....they usually have some type of Indian food there in addition to Big Macs.  But like Graham said, stay away from stuff you already know...be brave and enjoy being in a new place!
« Last Edit: February 28, 2004, 04:30:06 PM by wishstar »

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