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Topic: School- Where do we start!?!??  (Read 1623 times)

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School- Where do we start!?!??
« on: February 29, 2004, 07:20:41 PM »
Okay good news...the ex has agreed to the move...so we are busy working on visa paper work and have a move planned for Mid-Late August. A wedding Planned for October, and in all the midst of this planning comes one of the most important issues--my 14 year old daughter's schooling!!

Where do we begin? Do we contact schools directly or do we contact the county council education thingy (yes obviously I do not have the English ways down yet!)   Zap is busy wedding planning...and getting used to being around Americans by throwing himself into this forum, yet his own knowledge of English schools is limited his memory of childhood. I tried emailing one of the schools we are interested in (no reply)...also can't find an email for the other school.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

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Re: School- Where do we start!?!??
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2004, 11:40:30 AM »
If you go to www.upmystreet.com and plug in your post code, you'll get a listing of all the schools in the area.  I know when we got here, the closest schools for the younger one were oversubscribed, so he ended up in our 3rd choice, but it's still close enough for him to walk and it's turned out great because the older one's school is right next door!

As for the older one - we moved in September and didn't get him in school until December.  ALL of the secondary schools were oversubscribed, so it had to go to a committee that meets only once a month!  Argh.  We hired a tutor for him in the meantime, which worked out well.  Anyway, we were told there was no *guarantee* we'd get the school we wanted, but we could put down our reasons for wanting it and that would be considered.  And we got it.  But the *poor* boy was out of school for a full 6 months!  (The let out last day of May at his school in Florida and he didn't start again until the beginning of December!).

Anyway, go to that link and get the school listing.  And talk to the headmasters, because even if the school's "numbers" don't look all that great, you need to find out if there are extenuating circumstances.  I.E., my youngest's school has a separate language centre for kids who don't speak English as their first language or have speaking/reading disabilities.  And their test scores are added in with all the others, so that obviously will bring the school's average down as a whole.  Even so, the scores weren't that bad, really.  And he's thriving there, so we're happy!
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Re: School- Where do we start!?!??
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2004, 06:21:39 PM »
HG - CONGRATS!!  I'm afraid I can't be of *any* help in this department.. but just wanted to congratulate you on your upcoming move and wedding :)

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Re: School- Where do we start!?!??
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2004, 11:22:16 PM »
Wedding no one mentioned a wedding  :o who she marrying  ;D .

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