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Topic: BBC Expose' of Scientology - Monday 14 May  (Read 9933 times)

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Re: BBC Expose' of Scientology - Monday 14 May
« Reply #30 on: May 14, 2007, 10:19:26 PM »
Believe you me, I wouldn't advertise the fact that Juliette Lewis was one of the member of my cult religion. 

She's one kooky chick.

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Re: BBC Expose' of Scientology - Monday 14 May
« Reply #31 on: May 14, 2007, 10:20:27 PM »
All i can think of when I see this thread is the south park take on scientology ;D

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Re: BBC Expose' of Scientology - Monday 14 May
« Reply #32 on: May 14, 2007, 10:32:28 PM »
Funny reply, Someday. I'll just have to hire someone to taste all my food and drink before I do from now on.

Re: BBC Expose' of Scientology - Monday 14 May
« Reply #33 on: May 14, 2007, 10:33:10 PM »


Mmm... cookies.

Okay, seriousness about Scientology.  Honestly, I have no problems with people believing whatever they want to believe so long as it doesn't cause harm to other people.  If it gives someone a warm, squishy feeling if they give a massive amount of their money to assure that Xenu doesn't prevail over the universe... yay for them.

The aspect of Scientology (and any other fringe 'religion', for that matter) that I don't understand is the pathological need to be considered legitimate.  If the powers that be within Scientology just let the jokes and naysayers' comments roll off of them, I don't think the entire world would be so fixed on making a big deal about it.  Of course there would be those who choose to make a big deal, but I doubt it would be at quite the epic proportions it is currently.

I hope that made sense.  It's about eight kerjillion degrees outside and my brain is a little fried.

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Re: BBC Expose' of Scientology - Monday 14 May
« Reply #34 on: May 14, 2007, 10:36:27 PM »
Good assessment, FunGirl.

Re: BBC Expose' of Scientology - Monday 14 May
« Reply #35 on: May 14, 2007, 10:37:26 PM »
Mmm... cookies.

Okay, seriousness about Scientology.  Honestly, I have no problems with people believing whatever they want to believe so long as it doesn't cause harm to other people.  If it gives someone a warm, squishy feeling if they give a massive amount of their money to assure that Xenu doesn't prevail over the universe... yay for them.

The aspect of Scientology (and any other fringe 'religion', for that matter) that I don't understand is the pathological need to be considered legitimate.  If the powers that be within Scientology just let the jokes and naysayers' comments roll off of them, I don't think the entire world would be so fixed on making a big deal about it.  Of course there would be those who choose to make a big deal, but I doubt it would be at quite the epic proportions it is currently.

I hope that made sense.  It's about eight kerjillion degrees outside and my brain is a little fried.

I totally agree on all counts. The fact that they are so defensive over every person who would speak against them is very suspicious and only provokes more controversy. If they ignored everyone and just did their thing, I doubt they would attract so much attention. Then again, they would probably attract fewer "donor members."  ::)

I think I'll become a pastafarian. Nothing more warm and squishy than a noodly-overlord!

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Re: BBC Expose' of Scientology - Monday 14 May
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2007, 08:27:05 AM »
Wasnt M Jackson once a scientologist?? Makes you wonder about all the "issues" that he has had..... I mean according to the documentary if you leave - they try and "destroy" you....!!! In my opinion he is "odd" anyway ..... something to think about.

As well I am wondering how many slander cases they have against them? Seems that everytime someone speaks against them they have a file handy to pull out with all your dirty little secrets...!?? It's like FBI on acid - weird weird weird!  [smiley=end.gif]

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Re: BBC Expose' of Scientology - Monday 14 May
« Reply #37 on: May 15, 2007, 11:23:18 AM »
Mmm... cookies.

Okay, seriousness about Scientology.  Honestly, I have no problems with people believing whatever they want to believe so long as it doesn't cause harm to other people.  If it gives someone a warm, squishy feeling if they give a massive amount of their money to assure that Xenu doesn't prevail over the universe... yay for them.

The aspect of Scientology (and any other fringe 'religion', for that matter) that I don't understand is the pathological need to be considered legitimate.  If the powers that be within Scientology just let the jokes and naysayers' comments roll off of them, I don't think the entire world would be so fixed on making a big deal about it.  Of course there would be those who choose to make a big deal, but I doubt it would be at quite the epic proportions it is currently.

I hope that made sense.  It's about eight kerjillion degrees outside and my brain is a little fried.

Because they are aggressive and passionate about the belief that they are right, and their way is the way of the world, and they want to run it... you can't rule the world if you don't have a lot of lawyers and a lot of publicity... ;)
And they do indeed find out all they can, with the initial intention to 'help', but once that person 'turns against' them, WATCH OUT.
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Re: BBC Expose' of Scientology - Monday 14 May
« Reply #38 on: May 15, 2007, 11:50:34 AM »
Because once designated a legitimate religion, all the tax breaks and perks that come with it mean even more millions and millions to them. It's all about the money, bottom line.

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Re: BBC Expose' of Scientology - Monday 14 May
« Reply #39 on: May 15, 2007, 02:05:08 PM »
I thought it was quite revealing. The scientology people certainly didn't do themselves any favours.  The BBC didn't really need to do anything, just let them show what they really are.

Ha! No doubt! I wonder what they thought of the show...you know they've watched it! If it wasn't for that main guy in Clearwater, they wouldn't have even had anything to show! The guy wouldn't even let them talk in the bathroom!

I absolutely loved it when the reported said, "It seems as though you've been spying on the BBC and I find that rather creepy." haha

Re: BBC Expose' of Scientology - Monday 14 May
« Reply #40 on: May 15, 2007, 02:31:28 PM »
Wasnt M Jackson once a scientologist?? Makes you wonder about all the "issues" that he has had..... I mean according to the documentary if you leave - they try and "destroy" you....!!! In my opinion he is "odd" anyway ..... something to think about.

He was a Jehovah's witness, maybe still is. Who knows though may be he converted to Scientology.

I watched the BBC report and they do seem to be pretty secretive. I didn't really learn anything about it except that they do seem pretty paranoid. Instead of truly dispelling the bad rumors, they just proliferate them.

As for J Lewis...I agree....that was my first thought. She has always been a bit wacko.

Re: BBC Expose' of Scientology - Monday 14 May
« Reply #41 on: May 15, 2007, 03:10:52 PM »
Because they are aggressive and passionate about the belief that they are right, and their way is the way of the world, and they want to run it... you can't rule the world if you don't have a lot of lawyers and a lot of publicity... ;)
And they do indeed find out all they can, with the initial intention to 'help', but once that person 'turns against' them, WATCH OUT.

Well, yeah, there's all that.  But what ELSE have the Scientologists done for us?!*

*massive apologies to the Pythons

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Re: BBC Expose' of Scientology - Monday 14 May
« Reply #42 on: May 15, 2007, 03:20:26 PM »
I think I'll become a pastafarian. Nothing more warm and squishy than a noodly-overlord!

That was great!   [smiley=laugh4.gif] [smiley=laugh4.gif] [smiley=laugh4.gif] [smiley=laugh4.gif]
I am the architect of my destiny.

Re: BBC Expose' of Scientology - Monday 14 May
« Reply #43 on: May 15, 2007, 03:39:11 PM »
I think I'll become a pastafarian. Nothing more warm and squishy than a noodly-overlord!

What sadB said! 
That's brilliant!  LOL!   [smiley=laugh4.gif]

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Re: BBC Expose' of Scientology - Monday 14 May
« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2007, 04:27:03 PM »
Well, yeah, there's all that.  But what ELSE have the Scientologists done for us?!*
*massive apologies to the Pythons

They said the geeks shall inherit the earth.

At the risk of being stoned to death... though they take it to WAY too far an extent which always damages a good cause; they are trying to eradicate a drug-dependent world.  If it weren't clouded in a cover of Scientology, it might be more seriously taken.
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