What entirely ticks me off about this whole situation is that many years ago, my dad was put in jail for 3 YEARS for getting a DUI on a suspended license while on parole for a previous DUI, just like Paris did. He served his time, and was let out. He's had a hard time for a long time as it took him a while to get his license reinstated, etc. He's now a recovered alcoholic and I'm very proud at how he turned his life around. He isn't the same man who did the crime. He told me about some of the crazy people he met in prison, so I know it' not a cake walk. But Paris wasn't even in JAIL, she was pampered enough to be put in a special lock up to begin with.
She should have to serve her entire 45 day sentence, wimpy as that is, and shut her pie hole. (is that a bad word? I'm not sure... but it sounded right!)