Greetings! I am new to this site and am eager to learn from this great community. I have a 10lb. cat I intend to take to Scotland with me next summer. I have read the DERFA site and things seemed fairly straightforward, so I'm glad I found this site, b/c there are obviously a lot of things they don't mention!
I will be getting the microchipping and vaccination done this month--I purposely waited so the shot schedule could be more in line with the travel plans.
My question relates to crate sizes...I gather from reading here that BA is not the way to go due to cost, so I am looking at flying Virgin. I can't find any specifics on their website for crate size. My kitty LOVES his crate and sleeps and travels in it frequently--it is an old-style Doskocil Kennel Cab (small, 19 x 12.5 x 10, airline approved, metal bolts--not the new style that just has plastic latches). He streches out and turns around in it all the time, and it has a clippable food and water bowl, but I think I saw on here that the airlines require 3 inches of head clearance? He has that lying down of course, but probably not standing up...does anyone know Virgin's requirements? Is he going to have to give up his beloved crate for a new one? Thanks for your help!