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How long is your commute, one-way, from door-to-door? (in the UK)

under 30 min
13 (35.1%)
30 min-1 hour
19 (51.4%)
1-1.5 hours
3 (8.1%)
1.5-2 hours
1 (2.7%)
2+ hours
1 (2.7%)

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Topic: How long is your commute?  (Read 2310 times)

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How long is your commute?
« on: July 04, 2007, 08:22:09 PM »
So I've been thinking about widening my job search to outside of the city that I'm currently in and was wondering how long an "average" commute is here in the UK?  I'm especially interested in commuting via public transport as I don't have a car, but car owners are welcome to put their input in as well.

So, how long is your commute (from your front door to your workplace) and for how long would you be willing to commute?  I definitely wouldn't want to spend much more than 1.5 hours traveling to work every day...

edited to add: Oh, and another question- how much money do you spend on commuting (ie train tickets/passes or petrol?)  That's my biggest worry about commuting by public transport- that it would be so expensive to travel an hour+ each way on the train every day that it wouldn't be worth it.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2007, 08:29:12 PM by andrea. »
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Re: How long is your commute?
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2007, 09:24:59 PM »
Totally depends on the London tube, but about 35-40 minutes.  I could make that faster if I learned to walk faster.  Oh well....

I would go up to an hour each way.

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Re: How long is your commute?
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2007, 09:30:10 PM »
I can't really help you with costs or firm numbers, because I don't currently commute  :-\\\\  however I thought I'd toss in my two cents about my location criteria while job-searching....

We're in Redcar now, so about 15-20 minutes east of Middlesbrough, and in order to get to any of the large towns or cities around here, you pretty much have to drive or take the train to M'bro first. So that's 15-20 minutes (around 7-9 miles) by car, or half an hour by train, to start.  A job in Redcar (or the surrounding area - Guisborough, Marske, Saltburn, etc.) would be ideal, or in M'bro; less ideal, but still quite close (at least by American standards) is Stockton, Hartlepool, or Darlington.  Stockton would mean around a half-hour drive; the others would be more like 45 minutes.  None of these places are teeming with potential professional positions, though, and so I've necessarily expanded to Durham (about a 45 to 60 minutes drive west-ish, depending on route and traffic), Sunderland/Gateshead (about an hour's drive north), and York (about an hour's drive south).  At a stretch, I'd consider commuting to Newcastle or Leeds, but it'd have to be a full-time, professional position that really made the commute worthwhile.  (As of yet, the absolute best position I've found is in Manchester - just a weeeee bit too far away to be feasible. :P)

Being in Sheffield is, I would imagine, like when I lived in Boston - you're both blessed and cursed.  There are quite a few more jobs there than there are around here, but you're competing with all those grads!

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Re: How long is your commute?
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2007, 12:10:36 AM »
I usually drive into uni every day ~15 miles each way, although I will take the bus if my car is in the shop (like yesterday). With average traffic, my journey into Bristol is 30 minutes, with anywhere from 1-25 minutes to find a parking space and then 5-10 minutes walk to my dept, making the total journey between 40 and 65 minutes (it's usually about 45 min on average). I drive about 200 miles per week and petrol is costing me about £20 a week (I don't pay to park though).

If I get the bus, I have a 10-minute walk to the bus stop, 1 hour on the bus and then a 15-minute walk from the city bus station to my dept - the total journey time is 90 minutes. A return bus fare costs me £6 for one day's travel, although if I were to use the bus every day, I could get a student pass for about £50 per month, which is pretty good.

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Re: How long is your commute?
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2007, 12:35:31 AM »
I live in Southeast London and commute to Central London: bus to the Jubilee station and transfer to the Central at Bond St.  On a good day, I'd take 30-40 minutes including changes either way.  When there are hiccups, anywhere between 1-2 hours.  My bus stop is a hop, skip and a jump from my house.  So, the time allotted is practically door to door. 

Re: How long is your commute?
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2007, 07:59:39 AM »
My commute in Birmingham is an average of 25 minutes, depending if the bus is on time.  It's taken me as long as 2 hours to get home, if I leave work late at night.  My monthly pass costs 38 pounds.

Re: How long is your commute?
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2007, 08:56:27 AM »
I come from just outside of London to the outskirts of London and it takes me about 30 mins during half term or summer hols and up to an hour when school is in. DH works in the next village over to us and it takes him about 15 mins. We spend around £30 a week in petrol and that covers us both.

When I was commuting in to town I had to take the train and the tube so I had a season ticket to cover both which cost me in the region of £2500 (unlimited train trips btw. our village and London and unlimited bus and tube trips for a year). That commute took me about an hour if the tube was running properly.

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Re: How long is your commute?
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2007, 11:21:42 AM »
Mine is right at about 30 minutes, but it depends on traffic really.  I take the bus - turns up around the corner from my house & drops me right by where I work.  It can take up to 45 minutes sometimes if traffic is bad, but I'm not driving so that's ok!

Steve takes the train into Leeds - it arrives nearer to where he works.  The train only takes about 10-15 minutes, plus he has to walk 1 km to the train station (here in town) and then a short walk once he's in city centre.

So much better than when I lived in the US!!!  There my commute might be anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours (or more) sitting in gridlock traffic to go a distance of less than 25 miles!
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Re: How long is your commute?
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2007, 11:27:12 AM »
6 minute walk door to door.  Was almost an hour when I lived in London. 

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Re: How long is your commute?
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2007, 11:34:03 AM »
An hour door to door on a normal day.  But I can be 10 mins either way, depending on buses and the Northern Line.

I live in north London.


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Re: How long is your commute?
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2007, 11:43:47 AM »
When there is low traffic *and* my bus decides to show up, I get into work in 25 minutes and home in about 50 minutes.  I try to catch a 6:45am bus because it is more likely to show up than any of the later ones and I'm less likely to hit traffic.  I only work half days, so that means I can leave during lunch hour - traffic is a bit heavier, but usually no jams.

The biggest variable in my commute is the bus.  I live on a route that "has" a 10 minute service - that's one of the reasons we chose to live where we do.  Most of the time though, I will be stuck waiting at the stop for 20 minutes, and often for up to an hour.  If it is a morning bus that doesn't show up, you can add an additional 10-30 minutes for traffic to whatever my extra wait time was.  Same thing when I was catching evening buses during rush hour. 

So, my average commute is 45 minutes into work and an hour home - with some wild variation thrown in for fun.   >:(

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Re: How long is your commute?
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2007, 12:13:54 PM »
An hour door to door on a normal day.  But I can be 10 mins either way, depending on buses and the Northern Line.

I live in north London.


Yes... depending on the Northern Line.  Though I'm heading back to traffic; I will not miss the Northern Line.

Took me awhile to see that some of my friends who live further outside the city and take the overground trains in have a shorter commute, than me sittin on the tube!
« Last Edit: July 05, 2007, 12:19:55 PM by ~Elizabeth~ »
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Re: How long is your commute?
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2007, 12:21:49 PM »
i drive about 20 minutes, mainly on the motorway.

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Re: How long is your commute?
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2007, 03:22:12 PM »
I'm going to skew your results.  ;D

Mine is going to be 4 hrs one way, but it will be a weekly one (Mon-Thur). The rest of the time, it will be about 10 steps from the kitchen table to my office, or 15 mins to the airport.

One day, one day, I will have a normal commute where I can walk to work in a reasonable time.....
- Matt

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Re: How long is your commute?
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2007, 03:24:43 PM »
25-30 mins by car. 
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