Hi Porschegeoff,
NYC is a fantastic city, and there's lots of Brit's around as well as lots of familiar aspects in terms of food, drink, things and places to do/go.
Seeing as you've mentioned the drinking aspect theres a few things to look out for
1. You have to tip the bar man/maid. This is relatively easy to do earlier on in the drinking session. If you're session gets prolonged, it get's positively harder to do mathematics as the alcohol level increases. From experience, at the end of a night, I just try to focus as best as possible on which piece of green paper has which figures printed on them - then just told the barmaid to take the right notes out of my hand becuase I can't be arsed to find the right one and work out the %age tip. If you order a round and pay liek you do inthe UK, be prepared for a VERY long wait till the bar man/maid even looks at you again and will walk by polishing glasses whilst looking right at you without serving you until you apologise profusely for not tipping them the last time and hope the excuse 'hey I'm from england and we dont tip there' works.
2. One way to kinda help with the above is to open a 'tab' and so keep gettin drinks without having to do the 'who's round is it now then?' thing. The mathematics pain in the ars* aspect still occurs though.
3. I once had Budweiser (yuk!!) on tap and it gave me one nasty headache the following AM - I never usually get headaches when hungover - I put it down to there must be a difference in the water and flavourings they use over there.
4. Be prepared to speak to some locals who'll say 'ahh a brit, yer aaahll just a bunch of drunks' and then get sucked into some crazy drinking games !
5. As for pricing, yeh it's probably pretty much on par with London pricing, but seems cheaper becuase you'll have a handful of those green pieces of paper which all look alike and then in your wasted state think ahh it's only worth half of the pound so that pint only cost 1.80 so i'll have another 1 or 5!
6. Also be prepared for bars to close at stupid o clock 4am in some places. This makes you think you can spend longer drinking and enjoying yourself. It's a ploy. One, it makes you spend more and two, makes it easier to go overboard.
7. Be prepared to stumble around alot more once you decide to leave and have to work out where you are in the grid system of roads (becuase you spent all your cash on the extra pints becuase of the extra drinking hours and realise you cant afford a cab) . It's REALLY easy to end up on West whatever street when you really have been on EAST whatever street. Trust me on this, I speak from experience!
8. Related to point 7, hopefully as you stumble around, the muggers have gone to bed by that time and even the whino's and wacko's will want to walk around you to avoid you, and you'll make it back to your hotel.
I think that's most of the 'general' drinking stuff I can put up for the moment. The other aspects I'm afraid I can't type up in a public forum - they're err, a bit too crazy!
Please note - all of the above isn't necessarily from personal experience!
Cheers! DtM! West London & Slough UK!