i purchased my book at Barnes and Nobles on opening night.
12:35 am Sat. july 21st 2007- book purchased
12:40 am Sat. July 21st 2007- waiting for neice to get her official DO NOT OPEN box and waiting to get out of store as sombody got sick as they paid for their book 1:35 am Sat. July 21st 2007- leaving B&N for car...
1:35 am Sat. July 21st 2007- at home in bed, beginning HP&TDH
7:30 am Sat. July 21st 2007- to tired to keep eyes open..(been up 24 hours)
7:30 pm Sat. July 21st 2007- woke up after TWELVE HOURS OF SLEEP!! OMG
9:30 pm Sat. July 21st 2007- Began redding again
7:30 am Sun. July 22nd 2007-Asleep and again twelve hours of sleep~ AH
7:30 pm Sun. July 22nd 2007-AWAKE and reading again
1:35 am Mon. July 22nd 2007-Read final words of HP&TDH
So there is my timeline.. haha..
So 12:35 am sat -1:35am Mon. With 2 12 hour sleeping sessions, and an extra 3 hours of not reading, I finished the book exactly 49 hours to the minute of when i purchased it for a total time of 22 hours exactly to the minute. wowza. but once i'm done with "vampire diaries" -The awakening and The struggle. (harperteen) i am going to re-read the harry potter series.. if i can find 1,2, and 4. I've got 5 and 7 in my room. my neice has her copies of 3, 5, 6, 7 at her house.. which 3 was mine.. but i jsut gave it to her cause i want the new box set thats comming out in september.. Goodness i can't wait to clean out this apartment and get a bookself for me.. i've got all my books spread out around the place.. a few here a few there.. most of the once that are new purchases are in my green "beach" bag which i bought w/ a few books go figure.
ugh crap its 4am.. i need to get some more sleep
i wasn't planning on writting this much. right now.