I'm late getting to this thread but just finished the book last weekend & then took some time to read through posts.
As I told Steve, it was such a different book from the first 6. I missed the Hogwarts 'scene' & thought the H/R/H wandering around in the middle of the book was a bit too drawn out. I was most miffed over the Hedwig & Snape deaths.
I love Snape.
(Especially the delish Alan Rickman!) So I was really glad he turned out to be good, although I had almost lost hope by the end of the book & then - just in time! So that part was cool.
Neville rocks! The actor that plays him is from our town here & he made an appearance at our town's (independent) bookstore -- just down the street from us -- on the night that the book was released. Now I wish I'd have gone & got an autograph!
I also think the part about living happily ever after with whoever you're dating at 17 is a bit silly. But I don't suppose children would mind or question it necessarily.
I'm not much for dissecting things too much really. Are HPs the best written children's books? No, probably not. But as I don't think I could write one any better - lol, they're alright & they've got kids reading, which is good.