I just got this in my e-mail. I'm not in England anymore and my club days are way behind me. So, is anyone interested in applying?
Are you a natural born extrovert? Are you a party animal?
Do you love the camera and crave attention?
If so, what would YOU do given 1 min of fame?
We're shooting a Bravo TV pilot.
'Club Life UK: Exposed!' follows club exposha and their national talent search around the country.
For one hour, each club night, exposha gives the public, exposure! What sexy, outrageous, cheeky antics would you use to entertain a club full of people, the lad's magazines, the newspapers - and Bravo viewers!
If you're aged between 18 and 35, we're interested in finding out about you and your talents. Apply now to be part of the show!
You might be an individual, or a double act. Think 'Britian's Got Talent' crossed with 'Ibiza Uncovered'!
What's YOUR special talent and how far would you go to get on TV? We're looking for confident people with a bit of imagination!
Apply and let us know! Please remember to send in a photo of yourself.
The series will focus on UK club life through the eyes of a club promoter/entrepreneur, a national club tour and the party crowd in each city. You'll be representing your town, and the winner of each event (one boy, one girl) will win cash, go through to the grand finale in London and of course, get exposure!
Please note the pilot is being shot in the North-West of England (Southport), but the series will tour the UK.
Apply here:
http://www.beonscreen.com/uk/user/show_details.asp?ID=2223&in=e Beonscreen Ltd - Cecil Road - Kingswood - Bristol - BS1 4RL