I can verify what darksquid has said about BC exams. I've never had a smear test or any kind of internal exam when getting a prescription for BC - my doctor's appointments for repeat prescriptions last for less than 5 minutes and go something like this:
Me: Hi, I'm here for a repeat prescription of BC
Dr: Okay, then. Right, do you smoke?
Me: No
Dr: Okay, good. I'll just take your blood pressure
Me: Okay
Dr: (Takes blood pressure) Okay, blood pressure is fine. Here's a new prescription. I'll see you in a year.
Me: Thanks.
End of appointment
I'll then take the prescription to a pharmacy and 10 minutes later, I have a year's supply of BC that has cost me nothing.
My doctor has even said that he'll give me another prescription just before I leave for the states so that I can take 18 month's worth of (free) pills with me to start with and can then get further repeat prescriptions when I come home for a visit - that way I don't have the hassle of trying to get them in the US and having to pay for prescriptions there.