We were there for three hours....ok that is expected but what happened at the end was very weird.
The first guy collected all of our stuff and said, "ok have a seat and wait for your interview". We we are called for the interview the 2nd guy asks my husband to raise his hand and swear that all of his info is correct. (Yes of course it is, I think to myself). Well, the guy asks my husband if he has ever used any other names, my husband says "no" and the guy tells us that he entered the US in Nov '04 under a different name?
? Of course he didn't, we both went back together for Thanksgiving and there were no issues at the time. We were shocked. Meanwhile, we can see a piece of paper with three different pics of my husband (one for each time that he entered) and one of them had a different name (he circled it). We asked if he could turn the paper around so we could really see what was going on and he said "I can not do that". Yikes, it surreal!!
Anyway, he said that he had never encountered this type of thing before so a further investigation is required. Again, I can't tell you how shocked we were! My thought after we left was why didn't the Dept of Homeland security pick this up? After all we received his I-130 approval.
Luckily we have my husband's passport back with us but we have no idea how long this "investigation" will take. It looks to be some type of database mess up. That said, its quite scary that things like this actually happen!
So now we wait. He did say that we might have to travel to the Embassy yet again!
Needless to say, I am so tired of the bureaucracy that innocent people have to go through. Sometimes I think, yeah we we all have to deal with it now but I am beyond fed up.