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Topic: Wife & Kids Arrival @ Heathrow - Plan from Gate to Me (LOTS of Luggage)  (Read 7359 times)

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Hey folks,

I am so stoked that my wife & kiddos are FINALLY joining me in the UK. I have been here almost 4 months now and am super ready to see them all again and share in the good fun of being in this new place.

Anyhow. They arrive Monday at 11:10 AM, if the flight is on time, etc. And I am trying to develop the best plan for them getting from the gate to wherever I can meet up with them as soon as possible.

I would LOVE to meet up with them before they go through immigration - but I would assume this is not possible. Is anyone aware of any mechanism for someone going through meet the wife & kiddos at the gate or anything?

But assuming that is not correct, can I meet them at the luggage claim area? She and the (relatively) young kiddos have a small army of luggage. Some of that is carry-ons, other checked bags. There is NO WAY that she'll be able to collect all of the luggage and make it out to me successfully. So what can I do there?

And last question, I have seen those helpful airport people on carts driving people around. And I read in this thread, about 5 posts down, a story about one lady with toddlers getting one of those folks to help her out. In that story, the person drove them all from the gate to immigration, rushed them right through, and then helped with luggage and loading into the husband's car, who was waiting for them past customs.

So, anyone know how you can arrange this sort of help?

If it helps, btw, my wife & kiddos are flying with Air Canada.

Paul Thompson
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Re: Wife & Kids Arrival @ Heathrow - Plan from Gate to Me (LOTS of Luggage)
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2007, 08:19:40 AM »
Due to security regulations, only ticketed passengers are allowed past the arrivals/departures area at the airport entrance, so the only place you will be able to meet your family is in the arrivals section (where everyone waits for the passengers with names written on white cards).

I know that in the US, it used to be possible to meet passengers at the gate (my aunt used to meet us at the gate in Arkansas when we visited), but since 9/11, the security has been tightened. However, in the UK, I believe that you could not meet someone at the gate even before 9/11. Also, since they are arriving on 9/10, the security is likely to be even tighter in the airport because of the anniversary on Tuesday. You definitely won't be able to meet them before they go through immigration, because at that point, they haven't yet legally entered the country, but you have (i.e. why would you be there if you haven't just entered the country?). Plus, there will likely be no way for you to actually get to the immigration hall from the airport arrivals area without breaking security rules.

In terms of them collecting their luggage and making it out to where you will be waiting, they may be able to get assistance in the form of a cart - although for wheelchair assistance for elderly passengers, this usually is requested at time of booking the flight or checking in and the cart meets them at the gate because the elderly passenger can't walk far. However, your wife may be able to ask for some help when she gets to the baggage claim area, or perhaps request some help when she checks in from the US.

Perhaps you (or she) could call the airline/airport she will be leaving from/the airport in the UK to find out some more info regarding this.

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Re: Wife & Kids Arrival @ Heathrow - Plan from Gate to Me (LOTS of Luggage)
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2007, 08:56:24 AM »
I'v'e flown with my son a few times, when he was a toddler, last time we went it was with Air Canada. I've almost always had help with lugging the luggage around. :) I just had to ask. Also, if the line for immigration was long, they had a spot for people with young children to go through, last time we were there, the line was sooooooooo long, it was spilling out into another section......they were looking out for young children though, and got me and my son through in just a few minutes. I was RELIEVED!! It would have taken hours, I'm sure, if we'd had to wait.

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Re: Wife & Kids Arrival @ Heathrow - Plan from Gate to Me (LOTS of Luggage)
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2007, 09:43:54 AM »
I agree with the above statements of Desert Dreamer and ksand24, ask for help and getting a cart are the only options you can do and being in the very center of the arrivals gate where they come out.  If they see you there waiting as soon as they make it through the maze of walking through, then you can go up to them after they clear the doors, and assist.  Unfortunately I don't know about the immigration line as many people with small children were in the same line as me, a mile long, this past July.  I hope they do get the extra line for small children or passengers with children, that would save some worries for many travelers.    I am sure it will all work out and best of luck to you!

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Re: Wife & Kids Arrival @ Heathrow - Plan from Gate to Me (LOTS of Luggage)
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2007, 04:14:15 PM »
I recently came through Heathrow with 20 month old Emily alone. Here is some advice: ASK for help. See if the airlines will assist the same way they would for elderly. See if she can get someone to help her through to customs. The walk from the plane to the immigration officer was way long...and the BA idiots lost her simple folding stroller. I had to carry her and my heavy backpack. I was angry and tired by the time I got there. The good news is that the line for those holding resident visas is pretty small and quick. But the flight attendents hadn't even given me the forms to fill out. Once they get to baggage claim they have the free carts of course...so that will help. But if she has more than one cart it won't be easy. But I know there must be some assistance available because this lady traveling with her nanny and two kids had this guy helping her. Try to find out before they fly though.
Terri P O'Neale

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Re: Wife & Kids Arrival @ Heathrow - Plan from Gate to Me (LOTS of Luggage)
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2007, 06:41:52 PM »
I wasn't so lucky when I flew into Manchester.  There were no big carts, just small carts.  There was no skycap - that is what they were called in Houston.  There was one security type guy in the luggage area who helped me load my 7 suitcases onto 3 carts.  My son was big enough to push one. I pushed one and pulled the other.  It was tricky and slow but doable.

You won't be able to meet them at the gate, at immigration or at baggage claim.  All restricted area.

Good luck!


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Re: Wife & Kids Arrival @ Heathrow - Plan from Gate to Me (LOTS of Luggage)
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2007, 08:13:58 PM »

Having just made that trip with my family two weeks ago, I can't imagine my wife trying to do it on her own. It just wouldn't have happened. As it was, it was the one point in the journey that nearly broke us. I was really stunned by the lack of baggage assistance in Manchester, and the scarcity of people that were even interested in helping. In Baltimore I had a guy who helped me unload the car, carried it all to the check-in desk, and unloaded it all onto the belt for us, while I parked the car. In Manchester, there was nothing...

One person pointed out that you have to arrange airside baggage assistance with people from OCS, who provide lots of services at the airport. I would call the Heathrow information desk ((0)870 000 0123), and ask them how to do this.

Good luck tomorrow, and congratulations on reuniting the family. Don't know how you did it for 4 months. I'm struggling with 1 month....
« Last Edit: September 09, 2007, 08:15:34 PM by minemapper »
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Re: Wife & Kids Arrival @ Heathrow - Plan from Gate to Me (LOTS of Luggage)
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2007, 09:44:28 AM »
have her hire a porter. that's what we did, we had more luggage than both of us could handle.

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Re: Wife & Kids Arrival @ Heathrow - Plan from Gate to Me (LOTS of Luggage)
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2007, 01:06:28 AM »
Greetings from England!

This is Andrea, Paul's wife here.  Wanted to say thanks so much for all the good advice before my journey with small children.  We made it here, safe and sound and in one piece.  I know so many people out there can relate to traveling with small children, whether it is with one adult or two.  Of course, if I had my choice, I would never, ever do it alone!! ;D  But since it had to be done this way, I will relay my story here so maybe others can find some amusing or helpful tidbits along the way.

As you know, we have 3 children: one that just turned 7, a 5 yr old, and a two yr old. (2 girls and 1 boy)  To give you more background info, the 2 year old has asthma has been wheezing very bad.  He had begun wheezing about a week and a half ago, but the wheezing sound had gotten progessivly worse as the days went on.  On Tuesday before the trip, I took him to the doctor and discovered he had an ear infection.  Wednesday morning, he woke up with pink eye.  So he is miserable in three different ways.  Poor kid!  Wednesday night, I took him to the Emergency Room he was so miserable and wheezy sounding.  He was not  checked into the hospital, thankfully! 

I was to keep giving him breathing treatments every four hours around the clock and  the prescribed medications.  Our flight out of the country was scheduled for Sunday just four days away, and changing the arrangements would most certainly be challenging and costly, so I was very diligent in doing them even in the middle of the night.  Our son was given the ok by our family doctor to go ahead and travel due to his significantly improving health.

As for the actual travel plans, I knew this was much more than just a visit, so me and the 3 kids each had two very large suitcases to check underneath the airplane.  (8 total checked bags)  Plus, I packed each of the 4 of us a carry-on wheeled bag, and originally was going to also get a backpack for all 4 as well, along with a very large stroller/buggy and a car seat for the boy.  So, 12 suitcases, a car seat, a stroller, 3 backpacks (mine weighed 13 pounds, because at the last minute, I decided the 2 year old would get waaaay too tired carrying one around all day, so I combined his things with mine) and 3 kids.  One adult can juggle all that--no big deal, right?????   ;D

So, the bags were checked when we first arrived at the starting airport, no problem.  AFTER Going through that first security gate is when it got pretty stressful.  I put the toddler in the stroller and was trying to push it at the same time as pulling a suitcase with the car seat balanced on top.  The car seat kept falling off!  The stroller was most difficult to turn with one hand; it required the use of my whole arm from the elbow down!  Then I had that 4th suitcase that in planning was to be pulled by the toddler (when in perfect health, I have no doubt whatsoever he could have done it).

I attempted to put the 4th suitcase in the basket underneath the stroller.  It too kept falling out.  :-\\\\  Me and the kids made it to our gate by sheer determination and lots of sweat! 

When we got to the gate, I eventually had the good idea to piggy-back two suitcases, then somehow found a way to attach the car seat to a suitcase handle.  Then when actually about to get on the plane, a fellow passenger carried some things for me and helped stow them above.  Thank God for helpers! :)

The trip to Toronto, Canada went with out hitch.  All the flight attendants were very friendly and helpful! However, I just realized it is 1 AM (GMT) and I really better get to bed... So I will post more tomorrow....

(to be continued)
Andrea Thompson

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Re: Wife & Kids Arrival @ Heathrow - Plan from Gate to Me (LOTS of Luggage)
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2007, 10:45:58 AM »
Andrea--you are a strong woman!  I can't imagine juggling that much luggage *plus* the kids--you go girl!

I won't complain about my own amount of luggage later today when I fly with my 2 big suitcases, and my giant box (a harp inside!).  That's peanuts compared to your stuff!
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Re: Wife & Kids Arrival @ Heathrow - Plan from Gate to Me (LOTS of Luggage)
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2007, 11:55:22 AM »
Andrea, Hooray on surviving your nightmare journey!  ;D  And welcome to UKY!

Having done those flights many times (with the dumb carseat-balanced-on-suitcase, pushing flimsy umbrella stroller, encouraging reluctant pre-schooler with mock-cheery comments routine) I can sympathize.  Eager to hear the rest of the story.
doing laundry

Re: Wife & Kids Arrival @ Heathrow - Plan from Gate to Me (LOTS of Luggage)
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2007, 02:16:33 PM »
Well done Andrea!  Welcome to UKY! I hope your settling in well. :) :)

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Re: Wife & Kids Arrival @ Heathrow - Plan from Gate to Me (LOTS of Luggage)
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2007, 04:00:35 PM »
Congratulations on making the first leg of your trip, truly a great accomplishment from reading your story.  Glad to see you are staying positive and best of luck on the next part of your trip, sounds like you have your work cut out, but you will manage! 

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Re: Wife & Kids Arrival @ Heathrow - Plan from Gate to Me (LOTS of Luggage)
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2007, 05:54:18 PM »
Hopefully the kids are all suffering from jet lag and you spent the whole day sleeping peacefully!! :-) Welcome to the UK!

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Re: Wife & Kids Arrival @ Heathrow - Plan from Gate to Me (LOTS of Luggage)
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2007, 05:47:31 PM »
Howdy folks!

If there's anyone still following this link, hi again.  I suppose I should finish up my story on the flight over here with small children.  Hmnn...Where was I? ???

I think I stopped in my story last time when arriving at Toronto, Canada. 

The lay-over in Canada was only one hour.  I had just enough time to find my gate, which thankfully was fairly close in location, take a bathroom break and then immediately it was time to board the plane for Heathrow.  We were the first ones on the plane and that was nice. :)

I had asked a flight attendant while still in the air about possibly getting help after we got off the plane.  He said he would look into that for me.  I waited to be the very last people off the plane because it was gonna be complicated to re-gather all my stuff with people waiting on me.  Thought it would be much less stress involved if no one else was waiting in line behind me.

Literally, as soon as the kids and I got off the plane in Heathrow, an Air Canada employee was walking by.  He saw how much luggage we had and that I was having difficulty and asked me if I would like some assistance.  I honestly have no idea if the flight attendant had called ahead and he was there just for me, or if God sent him in that area at just the right moment.  At any rate, this very nice young man was an extremely wonderful help!  He assisted with some luggage and the car seat all the way through immigration and to the luggage claims area.  (At this point, there was no line in immigration at all.)

At the baggage claim area, we discovered all of my checked luggage (all 8 suitcases) were not waiting for me.  The young man, his name was Bic, if I remember correctly, waited the whole time with me and the kids while they figured out the suitcases had not made it out of Toronto.  He waited there with me a good 5-10 minutes, and did not leave until arrangements had been made for the luggage to be delivered to my home the next day.  What a blessing he was for me! :D

Actually, in the long run, it was also great my luggage had not arrived.  My husband had borrowed a very large vehicle from a friend, but it is doubtful it all still would have fit in the vehicle with so many persons as well.  We were very relieved to not have to worry about it fitting!

The next morning, our suitcases were delivered by a courier right to our doorstep.

So, we I survived the journey traveling with three small children by myself.  As far as advice I would give to others with small kids in tow:

1.  If you have a young one in a stroller, perhaps try to combine that child's carry-on suitcase items with the adult's if at all possible.  This will leave your hands more free to push the stroller or steer or get your important documents out when needed.

2.  I was told the idea by someone else and did not do it, but they recommended to dress the children all alike in some way.  For example, matching tee shirts for all the kiddos. This way, if one child gets lost in the crowd, it will be easier to spot that child if you can look for a certain colored shirt, or one with a specific pattern on it.  Also is easier to describe the clothing to airline personnel if necessary.

3.  I thought my big, giant stroller with extra large wheels would be ideal for traveling overseas.  However, if I could do it over, I most likely would travel with a very lightweight umbrella-style stroller.  This would be much easier to carry around during immigration and getting on and off the plane times.  A great deal less bulk to deal with.

4.  Another piece of advice someone gave, but I didn't follow.  For toddlers, I would recommend purchasing ahead of time a toddler leash.  Beforehand, I thought since I had a stroller, it wasn't needed.  However, there are some times when the child has to be out of the stroller, or the child needs some brief time to walk around and use his muscles, for example in the Gate waiting area.  A leash would have been extremely useful because my two year old kept playing the "I'm running and you have to catch me" game.  He was very fast, and others nearby had to help block the path a time or two.  If on a leash, he could not have gotten away from me at all.

5.  Lastly, make sure to bring a variety of individually wrapped snacks, such as granola bars, boxes of raisins or gummy packages.  Nothing chocolate, because it could melt.  These snacks were perfect to pull out during those bored, kids need distraction times. Also I was trying to travel on a dime, so these snacks reduced the amount of food which had to be purchased at the airport or on the plane itself.

Thanks everyone for following along on this journey with me!  Hope you enjoyed it. :D
« Last Edit: September 26, 2007, 11:18:42 PM by Andrea Thompson »
Andrea Thompson

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