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Topic: The Freak Out Stage  (Read 2089 times)

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The Freak Out Stage
« on: September 11, 2007, 08:25:44 PM »

The movers are coming!  The movers are coming!

I seem to have gotten to a stage where everything is... sorta... organized... and no doubt it will have to be much more organized by Friday morning when they arrive, but...

I seem to sit and stare more than actively get things done.

Some think I have it easier, as I've only got a studio, I'm single so have not had to fill out any forms for approval, I have my flights booked, I have my bank account back home still, along with old connections for jobs and friendships (I know things don't stay the same, but, you know what I mean).

The downside is - I hate doing this by myself.  HATE IT.  :-[
Okay, I've had one good friend help me do a lot of cleaning out, but as far as going through papers, papers, PAPERS, old kitchen stuff, bedding, PAPERS, bathroom stuff... have I mentioned papers?
Who knew you could store so much CR*P in a studio???

1 - needed to vent, thanks.
2 - any suggestions for when the movers come, assuming I am miraculously organized?
(i.e, stuff to keep for my last few days, over THERE, stuff for movers, over THERE.... and possibly, stuff for movers if there's extra room...?)

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Re: The Freak Out Stage
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2007, 11:16:57 PM »
You are much more organized than we are!  The movers are coming on Monday and we have done nothing.  We are packing what we are bringing on the flight with use later this week but we are leaving everything else for the movers, after all, they have to pack it themselves.

I sympathize with you, it's amazing how much paper and other stuff you can collect!


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Re: The Freak Out Stage
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2007, 07:28:39 AM »
Thanks June :)  I appreciate the acknowledgment and the sympathy!
Good luck to you guys!
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Re: The Freak Out Stage
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2007, 08:03:23 AM »
I think what you're feeling is normal: moving is one of the most stressful things you can do. 

Don't know when your big move day is, but have you thought of a packing party with your friends? It may take the weight off a bit.

I think that the key is to know what is essential for you to pack and for you to bring with you. You know what the most important things are: thinking about your experience moving here may clarify that. What will need to get done, will get done. It'll fall into place.  :)

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Re: The Freak Out Stage
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2007, 09:57:26 AM »
Thank you... I do know... it's just being in the middle of it all, and doing the majority of it by myself.
I have had some friends come by and take things, but it seems to be a bit more difficult here than when I left LA - where everyone had a car, and an hour drive is no big deal ;) I had a leaving party where I put everything out and just had people offer for something or take it... and anything else I could throw in my aunt's garage.
Here I have to make sure EVERYTHING is either packed for the movers, or GONE... along with the in-between of what to keep for the last couple of weeks I'm in London, that I will then have to ship back on my own my last week, as I go straight to Africa.
I know, I hardly have anything to complain about... I'm lucky and grateful I've been able to do all this, and do have friends to help out here and there (not to mention the friends that are putting me up for TWO WEEKS!  Bless them)...
and just hoping things will be calmer after the movers come on Friday (that's the BIG moving day), then more once I leave the flat... and can chill a bit and enjoy my last couple of weeks here.

Thanks :)
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Re: The Freak Out Stage
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2007, 10:02:35 AM »
I seem to have gotten to a stage where everything is... sorta... organized... and no doubt it will have to be much more organized by Friday morning when they arrive, but...

I seem to sit and stare more than actively get things done.
Absolutely normal, in my (entirely too extensive :P) experience. You'll get it done, because you have to get it done. Keep doing one thing at a time. And be sure to do nice things for yourself. This is a big stressful thing you're doing, and you deserve them! :)

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Re: The Freak Out Stage
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2007, 10:04:01 AM »

Here I have to make sure EVERYTHING is either packed for the movers, or GONE...

I hate that part!  Again, I sympathize!  We have a lot of stuff that we have no idea what we are gonna do with.  Mostly big things like bedroom sets and desk.  We were hoping someone would take them but no luck so far.  We can't leave them in the flat and our car is tiny so we have no idea how we're gonna get rid of them.  I can't wait till this is all over!


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Re: The Freak Out Stage
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2007, 10:12:20 AM »
As far as furniture (I'm about to be in the same boat with no takers), you can call Oxfam and arrange for a van to pick it up within a couple of days.  You do have to pay £20 (for them to hire the van), but... it's an option, and at least it will go to someone who will need it.

0845 3000 311 is the main number to call, give them your postcode and they'll then give you the number for the nearest Oxfam furniture shops to then ring and arrange.

I just wish I could be one of those borderline anal-retentive people who schedules and completes everything over a period of time... !!!  I'm doing this like I used to do my homework... fret, do a little, take a break, fret, do a bit more, take a break... until the last possible moment... then end up exhausted.  Dumb really.
Hollywood, CA -> London, UK 2004
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Re: The Freak Out Stage
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2007, 10:42:06 AM »
As far as furniture (I'm about to be in the same boat with no takers), you can call Oxfam and arrange for a van to pick it up within a couple of days.  You do have to pay £20 (for them to hire the van), but... it's an option, and at least it will go to someone who will need it.

Elizabeth, thanks for that! I was worried about what we would do with the furniture we can't get rid of.

You guys are a bit ahead of us with the move but I am starting to feel a little sick to my stomach about it all.  While I am so ready to get out of Reading there are times (now that the end is getting closer) that I wonder if we are making the right decision. Logically I say yes....and then every now and then the thought of all of the upheaval scares me. (Moving back and having to find somewhere to rent, finding jobs, buying cars, finding health insurance, once settled then looking to buy a house, etc). Exciting but scary at the same time.  :(

Oh yeah and one other thing....a friend back home commented yesterday on how nice it was that we had five weeks paid holiday over here and said "I am sure that makes you want to stay". Yikes, yes it does....going back to three weeks is very upsetting to think about. I had three weeks plus public holidays for years back home and there is no way I will accept anything less....ha, even three weeks sounds absolutely terrible now.  :\\\'(   Sorry to bring that up but its been on my mind since last night.

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Re: The Freak Out Stage
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2007, 10:52:08 AM »
Ah well, give and take, plus and minus, and all that...
I'm trying to stay out of the 9 to 5 world when I get back, so I'm not overly concerned about that specifically...  it was great to have while I was working 9 to 5 here, but now it's time for other things...

I've said it loads before, but writing down EVERYTHING helps - not just with moving ;), but with dealing with emotions - regrets, doubt, etc. so I can go back and remember how I was feeling at the time.  The Grass Is Always Greener Syndrome is always bound to hit at one point or another.  The list of plusses and minuses I kept when I decided to move here has always been tremendously helpful, as I hope my notes I jot down when I'm stuck underground, or enjoying a walk through Covent Garden, will help me when I'm home.
Hollywood, CA -> London, UK 2004
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Re: The Freak Out Stage
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2007, 10:58:12 AM »

Elizabeth when I saw your suggestion on another thread about writing things down, I thought that was a great idea and I plan to do it! I can definitely see the "grass is always greener" syndrome creeping in when things are going as planned back home.  ;)

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