The movers are coming! The movers are coming!
I seem to have gotten to a stage where everything is... sorta... organized... and no doubt it will
have to be much more organized by Friday morning when they arrive, but...
I seem to sit and stare more than actively get things done.
Some think I have it easier, as I've only got a studio, I'm single so have not had to fill out any forms for approval, I have my flights booked, I have my bank account back home still, along with old connections for jobs and friendships (I know things don't stay the same, but, you know what I mean).
The downside is - I hate doing this by myself. HATE IT.

Okay, I've had one good friend help me do a lot of cleaning out, but as far as going through papers, papers, PAPERS, old kitchen stuff, bedding, PAPERS, bathroom stuff... have I mentioned papers?
Who knew you could store so much CR*P in a studio???
1 - needed to vent, thanks.
2 - any suggestions for when the movers come, assuming I am miraculously organized?
(i.e, stuff to keep for my last few days, over THERE, stuff for movers, over THERE.... and possibly, stuff for movers if there's extra room...?)