This year, my family - hopefully all of us (my brother and his family have not shared T-Day for some time).
The first year I was in the UK, I got overzealous and invited everyone I knew at the time to my SIL's house to share Thanksgiving dinner, that I would be making. ALONE.
Out of 17 people, FOURTEEN RSVP'D YES. Thank GOD one was an American who was thrilled, as she'd lived in the UK for ten years and NEVER celebrated Thanksgiving, and was dying to help.
After a nightmare trying to get the turkey (three butchers later, the first two not understanding that we NEED TO GET THE TURKEY IN THE OVEN AN HOUR AGO, WHERE IS IT???), somehow, it all fell together.
We did the whole works, with homemade everything, and the Brits who came (the majority; only a total of three of us Yanks), absolutely loved it. My favorite moment was explaining that yes, you do have yams with marshmallows on top as part of the main course, on the same plate, with everything else, and no, dessert was not yet on the table, and yes, you were pretty much required to have seconds.
It was a blast.
And I will never do it again!

(not on my own anyway)