I think this is my menu (keep in mind it's just the two of us!):
roasted squash
corn on the cob
wild rice
mashed potatoes
sweet potatoes
mushroom gravy
carrots and parsnips
cranberry sauce
pumpkin pie
rhubarb crumble
vanilla ice cream

You're more ambitious than I am, and I'm cooking for 10!

I'm doing:
savoury biscotti
assorted olives
dark M&Ms
butternut & goat cheese crepes
mashed potatoes
sweet potatoes with lemon & ginger
green veg, probably sprouts unless I change my mind and go with green beans
corn (plain frozen!)
homemade cranberry sauce
cranberry-orange relish
homemade rolls (two kinds)
pumpkin cheesecake
pecan pie
chocolate-cranberry tart
homemade whipped cream
Somebody's bringing unidentified nibbles, several people are bringing wine, and one of the Italians is making tiramisu, yum!
Anyway, I'd better go start cooking! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
ETA: Oh no, I almost forgot the gravy! Better not do that today...