Yes, I realize it's still September, but I adore Thanksgiving. The cooking, the smells, the friends. And this year- some of my family's coming over. I'm psyched.
This year it'll be my largest- 17. Serving:
Turkey- overall 24 lbs (11kg)
Whole Turkey- 9 kg (20lbs)
Turkey Crown 2 kg (4lbs)
Stuffing (2 large uncut loaves worth)
Mashed Potatoes- 6 lbs (2.7kg)
Candied Sweet Potatoes- 8 lbs (3.6kg)
Corn Casserole w/dumplings (4cups corn)
Green Beans- 6 lbs (2.7kg)
Cranberry sauce
Pumpkin Cake
Apple Crumble
Pear Cheesecake
I think that'll be enough- they're pretty big eaters. Any suggestions for amounts? I'm paranoid that I'll run out of food. Did I mention they're big eaters.
What are you all doing for Thanksgiving?
my family regularly has 30+ people for Thanksgiving and we usually have a 40lb Tom and I have no idea the measurements for the potatoes and stuff, but we have Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, extra stuffing, peas, corn, and lima beans, rolls, canned cranberry and fresh cranberry sauce, several pumpkin pies, a mince meat pie, banana cream cake, chocolate cake, and fruit salad and no one has ever left hungry
This year will be the first year I've EVER missed Thanksgiving....I'm kind of bummed and wished I had thought about it before booking my trip.